Need Directions to Cedar Creek Trail Head


Nov 23, 2007
I could really use directions to get to the Cedar Creek trail head. I've been there many times before, but it has been a few years and need to be refreshed. I will get on to west bound I-96 from the Fruitridge on-ramp on the west end of Grand Rapids, so I will need directions from there. Thank you to anyone that can help.

P.S. Some of you may know me. I am Andrew Weissenborn, Mark Weissenborn's son.


Jun 20, 2006
take 31 north to M120.

Turn right on M120 and take that till you get to Twin Lake.

Turn right at the flashing light. I can't remember to name of the road. However, there is a railroad crossing on the left and a diner on the right.

Take that road a coupe of miles. The trail head is on the right. The DNR website has a map with the road names.


Dec 2, 2003
Hey Yz. Just a reminder for is riffle season right now and illegal to be out there except from 11am - 2pm. But I would stay out of there all together till december 1st then its good to ride again.

If you need someone to ride with give me a shout. I dont live very far away from there. It would be nice to ride with a Weissenborn again.



Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
YZ - Good to see you getting back on the bike. Please post when you are headed out to ride - AFTER rifle season.


Dec 2, 2003
fatherandson said:
YZ - Good to see you getting back on the bike. Please post when you are headed out to ride - AFTER rifle season.

Got a headlight..... :laugh:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Heyyyy,, hi Andy!! What a pleasent surprise to see you posting!!
A short cut for you to get to Cedar Creek would be to get off at the Nunica Exit. When you get to the end of exit ramp turn right (north) - that will be Maple Island Road your turning onto.. You will instantly see a stop sign in Downtown Nunica - go thru that stop sign and stay on Maple Island Road.. Follow Maple Island north,, you will go thru a couple stop signs, keep going and you will come to a normal red/green/yellow light and that will be Apple Ave/M-46 that goes thru Muskegon.. Stay on Maple Island going North... You will go down a huge hill,, past some real sharp corners, past Maple Island Log homes on your left,, cross over the Muskegon River (I am telling you all this stuff as land marks so you know your not lost...) up another big hill with Apple orchards on your right hand side at the top... After you cross the river and go up the big hill you will go a couple miles and Ryerson Road will come out from the left side. Turn left (west) on Ryerson road - this is the road that the trail head is on - if you miss the trailhead you will end up in Twin Lake.. Anyway, following ryerson from Maple Island you will go down a hill and cross a paved road at the bottom - this will be Holton Ducklake road. Keep going west on ryerson past Holton Ducklake a couple miles and Ryerson makes a couple real sharp turns - you have to watch carefully on these turns as the trail head entrance is on your left hand side after a turn and on a small downhill.. The entrance is now paved and the trailhead is all new - if you havent been there in a while you wont even recognize it!!!
The directions I just gave you will cut off a lot of miles for you.. If you need gas on the way in your best bet is to turn left on Apple Ave (the only red/green/yellow lite on Maple Island road) - go about a mile into Muskegon on Apple and there will be a Marathon station...
Have fun out there and PLEASE give us a ride report when your done...
Real nice to hear from you Andy!!


Nov 23, 2007
Hey, good to hear from you Woodsy and yzman. Although, I don't know who YZMAN400 is, I may have met you before though.

Woodsy, your directions were very helpful, because I could not remember that shortcut. Unfortunately I did not read them before I went out and rode. Again it was awesome to see you posted.

As for the ride, it was good. Cedar Creek is a pretty easy ride, but it felt excellent to be on my bike again. Yeah, I rode from 11:00 to 2:00, and wore a bright red coat. Tough luck for the hunters though.

I'm looking to ride again sometime soon, so if anybody is looking for a riding partner, I'm down to ride. I know it's kind of rough with the hunting season going on and the weather getting colder. I'll keep posting and checking this forum out.


Sep 1, 2003
Andy - Just want to let you know that to see you're back trail riding again is a very good sign. Your dad and I talked about doing birthday trail rides a few times after the memorable one on my birthday in '04. How about looking ahead to a welcome back birthday ride for you in July?

Young Ted


Dec 2, 2003
YZweisse396 said:
Hey, good to hear from you Woodsy and yzman. Although, I don't know who YZMAN400 is, I may have met you before though.

If memory serves me I seem to remember meeting you out to cedar once. Something about you smashing a pipe on a tree comes to mind.


Nov 23, 2007
Hey Young Ted, good to hear from you as well. I think a ride sometime in July would be excellent to celebrate my birthday. As for a welcome back ride, well I hope to be riding sooner than July of next year. Know what I mean, ha? But, seriously going to ride some trails with you in July, I can see it happening. Maybe we'll ride together before then too.


Nov 23, 2007
OK YZMan400, the last thing I can remember that day is a few quick glimpses of a pine tree coming at me at fast speeds. After that, all I can remember is that my bike sounded funny whenever I gave it throttle, and I experienced dizziness until I got back home that night. Very traumatic. Just kidding.

But for real, I do remember going on that particular ride with my Dad, and meeting someone. However, I still am not sure who exactly you are. That's cool though, maybe we'll get a chance to ride again and meet again. Hopefully I will have better luck.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001

I am really hoping for a post-deer season ride. However, this coming weekend's forecast looks pretty frosty......... :(

I will give you a call if I get a window of opportunity. I am so glad to hear that you still have the itch to ride.



Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
YZMAN400 said:
If memory serves me I seem to remember meeting you out to cedar once. Something about you smashing a pipe on a tree comes to mind.

Dont let him get to you Andy,, YZman has nocked his share of bark loose ;) :rotfl:


Dec 2, 2003
woodsy said:
Dont let him get to you Andy,, YZman has nocked his share of bark loose ;) :rotfl:

Shoot I just about got cleaned off my bike again night riding with T2 last week. Same jacket even. Bloody trees just reach out and grab me I swear :yell:


Nov 23, 2007
Tim, I figured I would hear from you on this website. Sorry I didn't call you about riding last weekend. It was such a last minute deal, I figured it wouldn't work out. Also, I feel like I should have called you sometime in October, when I got back home. But, I have been very busy. I'm doing good. Landed a job almost right away, and am working full time. My weekends are free though, so I'm good to ride or do something then. Good to hear from you!
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