Need help with my wheel


May 16, 2004
Im a long time member of DRN, but due to technical difficulties my old user name doesnt work. Here is the deal. My rear wheel on my 02 cr125 just **** the bed today. I was going up a steep hill in the woods and it shot out from under my legs, went about ten feet up in the air and landed directly on the rear wheel. Now the whole wheel is loose. The spokes are extremely loose at the rim and the hub and i just need some insight at where to start. I am good with maintenence but im scared ill ruin my wheel just taking a stab at it myself.
Thanks in advance


Jun 15, 2001
Wheel tuning is an art. I would take it to a shop just because it went limp when you dropped your bike on it and it sounds like you may have a broken hub or someting. :yikes:
best way to true a wheel yourself is with the wheel in the air, sping the wheel and pull it into side to side and round alingment, side to side is done by looking at the wheel from the back, round by putting a guage like a piece of wood under the tire and makeing sure the wheel dose not get closer or farther away as it spins. Side to side is where most wheels get out of line, pull the wheel in slowly one spoke at a time, no more than 1/2 turn on a spoke at a time, as you pull one spoke in, the ones on the other side will get tighter, keep going around the wheel, hit each spoke with a wrench and listen to the pitch it makes, once the wheel is straight, tune up the spokes so they all make the same sound.
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