Needle Clip Position

Tom Ludolff

Oct 3, 2002
Everone seems to agree on 2nd from top clip position, but I got a much improved throttle response moving from the center down to 4th from top. Was that a bad move??? What problems could result???


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
This could result in a piston failure when the bike is run at midrange for long periods (that midrange setting is used more then WOT)! Save you r motor -adjust the needle by plug color!
A better way to a crisper throttle is in the reed valves!


Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
Tom, not sure what your temps are there in PA, but by fattening up the midrange you may have compensated for cooler weather. I think the baseline jetting recommendations are for typical spring/summer riding season weather (~ 80's F).

Also, the stock needles tend to be a bit lean off-idle, so if you were borderline lean before, the improvement would likely include much sharper snap off the bottom.


Jan 23, 2003
The 03 manual has a good section on jetting and inspecting the plug. There's no perfect solution for jetting. Temperature and your riding style will determine your settings. Be careful, if you get it too lean, it will run great right before major problems. Run it at your normal riding speed for a few minutes. As soon as you cut the bike off, take out the plug and inspect it. If there's no oil on it and it's white hot, you need to back up and make the bike richer. On the other hand, if it the plug has a lot of dark oil on it and oil is pouring out of your pipe, it needs to be leaner. I would not depend on average settings. Adjust for your situation. Good Luck-

Tom Ludolff

Oct 3, 2002
Thanks Guys!!! It makes sense now. It was pretty cold when I checked it (~60F). The plug looked a nice golden brown and it ran great, so it didn't seem too lean.
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