
Apr 24, 2006
I am having trouble finding a leaner needle jet for my RM250.

I currently have the N3WK in which is the stock one. I am running the needle on Clip #1. The main currenly in is the 152 and the pilot being used is 40.

The bike runs greate but I am still running really rich and have a bit of spooge coming out of the silencer.

I am trying to get a leaner needle but is seems everywhere I call and search on the internet has them out of stock.

Here are the needles that I am looking into getting. Listed from Lean to the Leanest with respect to the N3WK stock needle.

N3YK Lean
N3YL Leanest

Any suggestion on where to look to get the needles?

Also am I on the right track on solving my spooge problem?

Thanks Again


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Save yourself a lot of grief and get a JD jetting kit. I chased spooge for a long time before I finally got one and it made a huge difference. The needle they supply has a variable taper on it and it really works.

I went the leaner needle route and it just wasn't right (my local dealer got them with no problems). I could get it to run clean at below 1/4 throttle but it wouldn't run good in the transition to mid throttle. The JD needle with the variable taper gave me the best of both worlds.
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