new bike for super sport rider


Apr 11, 2007
1) your physical size (both height and weight are important) +- 5.11 170lbs
2) How physical / aggressive are you ? never ridden a MX
3) what do you plan to ride- MX/SX tracks, woods, fields with friends or ?????
4) Do you have any riding experience? have owned road bikes for teh last 9 years. currently have a 2003 gsxr600
5) Do you think you will race ? if I am any good :)
6) Are you mechanically inclined and will you be doing your own bike work? on a 2 stroke yes
7) Do YOU have a preferance to a brand/ motor choice (2 or 4 stroke)? would want a 2 stroke
8) Do you have a dealer close by your home that you might use and what brand(s) does he carry? all
9) How much do you plan to spend on a bike? up to R25000
10) Do you live in California? South Africa

Ok so I want to get into some dirt riding, MX and am wondering if i should get a 125 or a 250?

how is the weight difference between the two? as I wouldnt say that I am bulky :)

I think I want to go with a 2 stroke, as I previously have rebuilt the top of my old honda mbx50 a few times in my younger days :)

my general bike riding experience I would say is excellent, as I have owned a road bike of some kind for the past 9 years.

so after typing I am wondering to myself, is there even a debate are to whether to choice the 250 over the 125?

Oh yes, I will choose either the CR, YZ, or the KX :nener:


Feb 21, 2005
well depends on what type of riding you will doing. 125's arent the easiest bikes to ride in the trails, lots of clutching involved.

250's are more trail friendly as they have more bottom end.

i have ridden a KX125 and a KX250. the 125 had some lag to the bottom end but once you got in the powerband it would pull pretty hard. i only got it up to 3rd gear as i was riding in a field with no helmet and someone's bike.. less than half hour later i rode a KX250 and it scoots along pretty good as well. the throttle is "snappy"... its got good throttle response.


Apr 11, 2007
I will be doing alot more "track" riding than trails

there are quite a few open tracks around where I live than forests and mountains


Feb 21, 2005
hmm... ok then... i would say go for a 250. it doesnt really matter which 250 you pick. the YZ250 i've heard is a really smooth bike, there's very little "hit" to it.

i was in the middle of a field with a few kids that live around me one a saturday evening and there was a KX125, KX250, YZ250, and either another YZ125 or 250(not sure, but it was a YZ) i never rode the YZ250, but my sister's boyfriend and guy friend both rode the YZ250 and said that it was very smooth in the acceleration, shifting etc.. i dont have any seat time on a CR but i've also heard they are nice bikes too. so it comes down to, just pick a color and goold luck with the decision. i say 250 because im 5'6" 150lbs and i thought if i had gear on and a helmet i could fling the KX125 around like its a toy. you can always "grow" into a bike, so if you do end up buying something that a little too much for you dont give up and give it like 6 months and if it still is too much then sell it and buy a 125.
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