New Forks... Old Shock. How to balance them out.


May 29, 2003

As many of you know, I installed a KX250 front suspension on my KDX200. In the future I intend on doing something about the rear shock but for now... I need to get the front and rear suspension as balanced as possible for my next ride.

I'm 220lbs in full gear so the .43Kg rate springs in the KX forks should work for me. I do however still have the stock 5.00Kg spring in the rear. I thinking that since I can't adjust the preload on the front... I should measure the fork sag and then adjust the rear so that I have the same ratio of front to rear sag as recomended. Does any of this make sense?

I did some research already on sag (race sag not static) and everyone seems to have a different number that they feel works best. I'm still trying to find the stock KDX sag numbers if any one has those it would be appreciated.


Oct 6, 2003
Go to the Racetech web site for a lot of info on fork and shock sag settings. You have to look in the technical information section. This is a good site for suspension settings as well as a spring rate calculator.
I take my 03 200 to the track every other week so I'm interested how the forks work for you. Have you thought about putting a swing arm of a KX to match the KX wheel base?


May 29, 2003

I did find the recommended Race Sag numbers here on the site. 65mm-70mm Front and 95mm-100mm Rear. Using the mean values of each I get a ratio of 1:1.39 (Front:Rear). The reason for this is to just get the bike quickly balanced out for this weekends ride. I just don't have the time to order, install and dial in new springs. I may not even need them. For now I'll disregard the static sag numbers and use the Race Sag measuremnt from the front to dial in the rear. After this weekend, I'll get things set up right. :thumb:

Thanks for the RaceTech link. I've been to that site a couple of times already and I need to go re-visit it.

As far as the KX forks performing better than the stockers with springs that I had before goes... I have my doubts that in stock KX form they are going to be leaps and bounds better. I think for hauling booty through whoops they will definitely be better. For tight technical trails however, I think I'm going to get beat up. Of course this is my opinion before I actually ride the bike (and not just around the neighborhood). Come Monday I'll have a much better feel for what changes need to be made.

I don't think I would want a longer swingarm. One of the best features of the KDX is it's shorter wheelbase. Changing that would not be desirable to me.

Whatever happens I'll report here what I did and what my findings were. It's a really fun and interesting learning experience.


May 29, 2003
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