New In U.s.

eduard martin

Aug 24, 2014
Hello everybody,

I am new in U.S., but I brought my hobby with me:). Going on trails is the most exciting thing to do, no matter where I live. I have some questions before starting to organize myself.
1. Do I need to register my dirt bike?
2. Do I need have motorcycle license to ride my dirt bike on trails? (I live in NYC, and I don't intend to ride on the streets)
3. Anybody knows a some good trails in NY or NJ?
Thank you


Dec 31, 1969
Welcome to the US and welcome to the site!

Laws vary by State, If I had to guess, NY will require registration (got to get that tax money), can't say for sure though. Best bet would be to check the New York Department of Motor Vehicles ... or whatever they happen to call it.

I've never heard of anyone needing a motorcycle license to ride trails, but one of our other tax happy states, (California) requires a "sticker" to ride off-road on the land that Americans already paid for and own (ie; "Public" land).
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