new knee brace?


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000

What is Grant wearing on his knee? I didn’t see that type of brace on Donjoy’s website. Something new? I wonder if we’ll see it anytime soon. It looks like it site very high on his leg.

It didn’t have any kind of knee cup protection though. It would be too bulky to wear a brace and a guard, and I’m not giving up the impact protection that the cups have.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I know, I know—I’m just curious what Grant’s wearing. I’ve never seen that one before. I wasn’t aware he had an injury, either—am I just behind the times? If he were wearing them for preventative reasons, he’d have 2, right?


Mar 22, 2001
Actually, Grant has been a CTI guy for a while. He just signed with Donjoy, not because of a problem with CTI or anything, Donjoy is entering the motocross arena to compete in the CTI price range I believe. I'm quite sure they have some type of patella protection, just not shown. I couldn't imagine they would sell a brace for motocross without any patella cup.
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