New Mexico Trails


Apr 6, 2002
Hey, Does anyone know of any trails to ride near Albuquerque NM? We were going to Colorado, but my riding partner had his vacation canceled(work). So I have to take my wife to Albuquerque to her friend's, & would like to get some riding out of it someway. As long as it is with-in a couple of hours of Alb. that will be fine. Thanks & happy trails!! Perry :thumb:


Belton, TX? I live in Belton, MO!

I think Mr. Baca can answer your question about trails near AB. Give him a few minutes, he's old and kinda senile... :eek:


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Indeed I am a bit of a geezer.

Do you want to ride mountains, desert, or mx?
How much time do you have?

There are some good trails up in the Jemez mountains. But, there is also a new fire in the Fenton lake area so I wouldn't be suprised if things get shut down. For now, I think Jemez is still open. You would need a guide to find the good stuff.

There are also some fairly good mountain trails in the Manzanos. These are off of South 14. Lot's of Mt Bikers use these trails so you gotta keep an eye out on blind corners. Some are very technical, in a steep rocky and narrow sort of way. You could get by on your own on these trails. Stop by a bicycle shop and get a map of Otero Canyon and Cedro peak (Two Wheel Drive has them for sure but you might not want to mention dirt bikes ;) ) I've never ridden a dirt bike out there, just mt bike.

Desert can be found all around Albuquerque. But you mostly would want to go out to Rio Rancho at the end of Southern Blvd. That's because you will find a bunch of guys out there on Sundays, and even Saturdays, and you could hook up with someone who will show you the lay out. Lots of whoops and deep sand. You can't really ride to the north of Albuquerque (towards Santa Fe) because it's mostly all Indian land. And to the East is ABQ open space and the Sandia Mt Wilderness. In the 60s and early 70s you could ride a dirt bike to the top of the Sandia Crest (if you were good on an Alpina :) ) , the Crest is just a shade over 10,000 ft above sea level. If you go south of ABQ you'll find the Big Dig and then more Indian Land.

MX can be found in Rio Rancho too. Some fellers have built some pretty good tracks out there. Well one of them is gone but I know one at the end of Northern Blvd is still there. That's where BEEF706 schooled me on the fine art of flying. Well I didn't really fly that high, but he wouldn't let me quit until I did this little baby double. I was sorta proud of my self. Maybe BEEF will fill you in on the RR MX track situation. Of course they have a real track in Moriarty. That's where the Johnson's, Tedesco's, and Buckelew learned their craft. You might have to be a memeber of the club. Check

Then there is always the Big Dig. It's out south of the airport. I sort of learned what little I know about riding at the Dig. The movie "Sidewinder One" was filmed there. It was a pretty cool place back in the 70s. I don't think I would recomend it today though.

I would take you out riding but the sad fact of the matter is, I haven't slung a leg over a DB since May 19th! And it don't look like I will until the first week of OCTOBER :scream:

Check out for better information than I can give you. :thumb:


Apr 6, 2002
Thanks Wes, that sure helps. Sounds like I won't have any trouble finding a place to ride. I know what it is like to be off a DB for a while. In May I had a knee operation, which put me out for 6 weeks. Was riding in my pasture the weekend after getting back to work, & got t-boned by my nephew with a 4-wheeler. Broke my foot & had to have sugery on that & was out for another 2 months.
Going to be in AB about a week(Sept. 7-14). Our friends own the Rudy's b-b-qs there. I'm looking for some trails not too radical cause I am still on the mend. Got me a new KLX-300 a few weeks ago & am anxious to to try it out on some long trails. Anyway, thanks a mil. for the info., it will really help.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Rudy's? Mmmmm BBQ (_8(|)

Hey, did anybody catch Bike Week on Speed Channel? Dave DeSpain went dual sport riding with some of the "older" ABQ crew and half of the legends. I missed the first part but I got the Bobby J interview on tape.

Did I ever tell you guys that my Dad was in the Navy with Bobby J? Of course that was way back when Bobby J was racing Indians. It seems Bob took my Dad for a ride on an Indian when they were home on leave. I guess ol' Bob was grinding the floorboards around "DEAD MAN"S CURVE" (every town has one) with my Dad ridin’ biotch. Well thank you Bob! Because that was the moment in time when my ol' man decided he hated mo'sickles. A good long time after that fateful ride, I finally came along. After I popped out, Heavy (as my Dad was known), ran across the street from the Hospital for Hamburger and got arrested for leaving the scene of an accident. Anyway, 14 years later I wanted a bike and all I get is the “DEAD MAN’S CURVE” story. But I saved some money…Ma and Pa got divorced…and Pa decides that maybe he better take me up to Bob’s shop. So we piled into the 64 Chebby step side, and up to Bobby J’s Yamaha we went. Soooo, this is the bad man Bobby J that skeered the crap out of Heavy and caused me all this that grief. Heck fire, it’s probably his fault that I broke my leg 20 years later too. I rode around the vacant lot, next to the shop, on one of those purple-tanked 90cc enduros until they made me get off of the damn thing. The whole time I was thinking Heavy was going up and buy me a new dirk bite. But guess what, he didn’t do it. Oh well I’m better off for the experience. :thumb:

Now what were we talking about?
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Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
We were talking about (cool story by the way :) ) riding around ABQ. ABQ is my next target in NM for a visit. I will be there around x-mas, sans bike, but want to go take a look around. Las Cruses was too desert like for this black soil and green bushy things Iowa boy.

Wes, I will be looking for you at dirt week, hopefully to hear more of your stories and get some more info on NM dirt biking.

Come on October! :yeehaw: <<<<(That banana guy still freaks me out :eek: )


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by RoosteR13
Wes, I will be looking for you at dirt week, hopefully to hear more of your stories and get some more info on NM dirt biking.
I'm looking forward to it too. But if you guys have high expectations of this pasty-faced net-surfer's fireside story telling abilities, then I can't be held accountable for your disappointment. :worship:DW02


Big Pig
Nov 20, 2000
lost in the deserts of NM
If you happen to get up to the N.W. corner of NM, there are a few decent places here as well.
Probably not as nice as what Mr. Baca has access to, but worth a day or 2 or 3 riding.
There is the "GladeRun" trail system.
(home of the Goodyear Rockcrawling Finals for the last couple years.)
The "Dunes" and "HeadCanyon" offroad competition areas.
And a pretty nice MX track in Aztec NM, advertised as the 'widest in the state'.
Will try to post some links here if i can find em.
(hey, i'm lucky to find my teeth in the morning alright??!!)
but for now will try some pics my son took......
oh poop guess they're to big to post......... :(


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Plykins, how did the trail riding go?


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Yeah, how were the trails?


Apr 6, 2002
Had a great time!(when it wasn't raining) Got a couple of mornings ride in the Cedro Peak area. Great trails, had just about everything you could want from flat dirt to steep rocks. KLX-300 did well(although will probably do some mods when the warranty runs out in Dec.) Really appreciate the heads up on the trails there. Got a map at the ranger station, they were real friendly & helpful.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Glad you had some good riding. You got lucky in that you picked the rainiest week in many years.

I'm so ashamed of myself for having lived in ABQ all my life, yet I've never ridden a DB where you went. But I'm fixin to.


Apr 6, 2002
I think you will kick yourself for not riding there when you were young & full of it. The first day I rode & got rained out, I took the short(loooong) cut back to Placitas(where our friends live) arround the back of the mountain. There was about 8 miles of dirt road down the mountain. The road was rough, but the scenery was unbelievable! Got to see some of the wild horses on the BLM land outside Plasitas, rode the tram, gambled & all in all had a great time in ABQ. Look forward to doing it again sometime.


new mexico riding

are there any web sites for riding dirtbikes in nm
i am thinking of moving from arizona
i am looking for websites that you can join trail rides

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