New rider


Apr 4, 2005
Greetings everyone.

My name is Henry. I live in the wonderful little town of Muskogee and would like to just introduce myself to everyone.

I've lived in Muskogee virtually all my life. I'm 19 years old and a college student. I spent my freshman year of college at the University of Arkansas, but I've switched to Oklahoma State.

I'm a complete newbie to riding. I just picked up my first bike last week. 1998 Kawi KX125.

I look forward to hopefully meeting and riding with a few of you in the future. I'm almost always up for some riding. I could probably use a few pointers, and I'm slow. :cool:

So if anyone plans on taking a trip to Camp Gruber or Hopewell or the river, look me up.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
hey, if it's not too late there is a race tomorrow (monday) at hickory ridge. it's a motocross track three miles south of warner. you could come watch and they allow you to practice on the track after the races for no additional charge. it's a pretty safe, beginner friendly track. my daughter is racing and i'll be practicing afterwards. you're welcome to come hang out with us. races start at 9:30 and should be over by 1:00 or so, then it will be open practice.

they are also giving away a crf50 at intermission. even if you don't race, you can buy tickets for the raffle.


Apr 4, 2005
I made it out to the races actually.

I somehow, made it out of work at around 11:30. I ended up at the track to see the last of the races.

I actually rode the open practice. I'm pretty sure I saw you, judging by the numbers. If you saw a tall, skinny kid on a Kawasaki 125, going really slow, and wearing saw me. Everyone blew by me. :)

I had a lot of fun, and after about 4 laps I was already getting pretty fatigued. I got in the air a couple times. Not much, but it was a start.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
yeah, i saw you. i was the old, fat, gimpy guy in the black gear on the 250 honda # 154. it's my daughter's bike. she rode it earlier in the women's class. you probably saw her race her last moto. she rode her # 16 cr 85 in the 80 beginner class. it was the final moto of the day.
you should have come over to say hi. sometimes we can be kinda friendly.

you did just fine on the track.


May 8, 2004
Hello Henry, good to have a new rider on board here. I live only about 15 minutes from the Gruber ORV park. I would be glad to show you around the park sometime. There are a few of us from the area that ride just about every weekend. Now I don't ride mx tracks due to my fear of face planting, but I do ride the woods all the time.

I'm pretty new to dirt bikes also, so I'm not sure if I would qualify to give you any pointers. There are alot of good guys on here that would be glad to have you come out and ride. Just post when you have time to ride and someone on here will get back with ya. Hope to meet you soon....Lee


Apr 4, 2005
Those jumps are a heck-uva lot bigger when you're actually out on the track riding.

I'm pretty sure I saw your daughter race. I also saw the kid in the 80 class take a pretty nasty looking face plant. I hope the kid's alright.

All in all, I had a great time. MX547...I was looking for you, and if I was sure I had found you I would have come over and talked to ya, but alas, I was being a bit shy. I was just trying to keep in mind to hold my line, keep my butt off the seat, hold the throttle when I desired my 6" off the ground, and not getting spat over the bars. :cool:

Hopefully Motorider200 and I will be out riding this Saturday. I'm sure we could make it over to Gruber. I guess it depends on the weather. I generally work 6-7 days in a row and take a day off when I start to get burnt out, but I'm almost always able to go riding when I get off work around 4-5 PM. Depending on work, I can ride Saturday...I should be off work 4-5ish. You should try to make it Lee. I'll have fun trying to keep up. :)

But like I said, I'm almost always up for some riding and meeting new people.


May 8, 2004
I got to get my bike back together, it's torn all apart waiting on parts. I should have it done by the weekend of the 11th & 12th. I'm off 4 days a week so I'm planning to ride alot this summer, I'm sure we can find a time to hook up. Dora is a good track also, you may want to try a few laps there. I have a buddy that is the track medic there. I'll chat with him and see what the summer schedule is like. Also planning a trip to the 500, your more than welcome to tag along and give it a try. I'll post when we are planning that trip.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
TreeTalker said:
Dora is a good track also, you may want to try a few laps there.

yeah, we like dora too. my daughter raced there a couple weeks ago. it has good dirt and a foregiving layout. when i was racing, i considered it my home track.

hey assistsuper, if you would have gotten to hickory in time and raced the beginner class, you would have won. they didn't have any entries in that class. ;)


Apr 4, 2005
lol....yay, I love winning by default.

Hope you get your bike back together soon, Lee. Let me know when you get er together.


Nov 11, 2002
Hey TreeTalker I'd be up for a trip to the 500. Got a house to live in for when I'm there for school and it just so happens that my neighbor Mark is the president of the Stillwater Trail Riders club. I'll be going up there frequently over the summer to mow and work on the house. Anybody is welcome to tag along.


May 8, 2004
Sounds like I might have to take you up on your offer some time soon motorider200. I'll post on here as soon as I get a date wrote in stone as to when we can make it. Maybe we could get a good ride in sometime this month up that way. Thanks again for the offer, it sure makes it nice not to have to drive 3 hours after a hard days ride. See you all soon
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