New to the forum

Feb 9, 2005
Hi all,
I am new to this forum although I have visited it often over the past few years. Looking forward to being a member and hopefully a sponsor too for that matter. In fact - anyone know who to contact to set up advertising?

Thanks again :cool:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Welcome to the site :cool:

Be sure and go to your User CP and update information relating to your location, type of riding, etc. After that grab a spot on the couch and tell us a bit about yourself. How long you have been riding, what kind of riding you prefer, where you are located, etc. We will do our best to hook you up with some fellow dirt bike enthusiasts.

Regardign advertising, you need to contact the Grand Poobaa himself, Okiewan. Highlight his name and it will take to his CP, so you can shoot him an email.

Again, welcome to the site, and shout if you have any questions!
Feb 9, 2005
Thanks very much!! I apologize for the silly question here but I am having a hard time to find out where to go to update the info you are mentioning - where exactly is the user CP?

Feb 9, 2005
BTW - I also tried to contact Okiewan but it said I did not have permission to use that page etc. What am I doing worng here - I have used forums before, really - I have!! LOL
Feb 9, 2005
Great - thanks guys! I found the CP so all is good there - I will do more research on the subscribing members portion as I was not aware there was such a thing.
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