
Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
I'm sure I should know the answer to this; maybe I'm just confirming my lack of knowledge:

The 1/2 or 3/8 stamped on the side of the MC refers to the size of the piston? Is this correct?

I've seen several of these units for both 125's and 250's with the self-contained reservoir in 3/8.
Mine is 1/2 with separate reservoir attached via hose.

I also understand these self-contained units are prone to overheating.

Thanks for any input.

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Yes that is the size & refers to fractions of an inch (an outdated measuring system where you have to perform mathematics to work out the size - & an aberration from the SI system which is base 10 & has scientifically defined measurement units). :flame:

Indeed some master cylinders are marked with numbers like 11 which is of course millimetres.

I wouldn’t lose any sleep worrying over the master cylinder reservoirs overheating. Touch one after a real hard downhill ride & then the disc & calliper & the weak point will become quickly (& painfully) obvious.
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