Nitro brand race fuels


Nov 5, 2001
I went to a new track yesterday, a guy was there selling race fuels- it was a new brand called "Nitro" they had some lead free 4 stroke blends and a leaded 2 stroke blend.

i wrote the details on the 2 stroke stuff, the guy told me that this stuf was blended by the same bloke that blended C12 back in the day......... apparently this stuff is virtually the same as C12.

here are the specs

Nitro RX1 cost $35 a drum

R+M/2_____ 111
Specific Gravity: ___.724

RVP: ______________7.5

IBP______________ 102
10% evap ________@155°F
50% evap ________@206°F
90% evap ________@240°F
E.P. _____________@302°F
Color: ____________Green
Lead: ____________4.00 g/gal

VP C-12
Motor Octane:_____ 108 MON
Specific Gravity: ___.717 @ 60F

RVP: ______________7.3
Oxidation Stability (min.) 1440+
10% evap ________@131.0°F
50% evap ________@194.0°F
90% evap ________@228.0°F
E.P. _____________@233.3°F
Color: ____________Green
Lead: ____________4.23 g/gal

now, i am no chemistry boffin or anything, but these look quite a bit different, the nitro brand is a lot less volatile, i think its similar to that F&L i tried a while back. that said, i bet this stuff is better than the C12 ive had sat in my garage for longer than i can remember! :eek:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
When ever some mutt trying to sell me something starts off with "it's virtually the same as X" or some similar nonsense, I just turn around and run away :)
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