
Apr 19, 2006
Hey guys, would like to bring your attention to the following site I found today(rpmsatglencreek Add the w's and com ). These folks are trying to get a complex together in Upstate NY for ATV, MX, Oval track And Drag racing. Being from upstate NY, I have found it hard to find places to ride legally.
If everyone could just take a few minutes to sign the online petition maybe we could all have a new place to ride.

Thanks all.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
I've been following this debacle for quite a while. The biggest problem the land owners face is building it inside the Blue Line of the Adirondack Park. It opens the place up to a host of agencies who oversee everything within the AP. Mind you if they wanted to develop their land for building summer homes for the elite there would not be so much red tape involved. The biggest opposition they face comes from a group that has powerful allies within the NY state government.

I live "around the corner" from you in Nisky. While I can hear bikes and quads riding at "Secrets" from my house, I do most of my riding here. It's legal and I don't have to worry about getting a ticket or having my bike(s) impounded.
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