NOTOIL air filter oil?


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Good idea RM_Guy, Something weird about me though..... i just can't let filters stack up like that. I take one out, then clean it - wouldn't matter if I already had 10 clean ones on the shelf :) You left a little something out of your post though.........
So what about "Nancy Hands"? Do you get them or not ;)

YZ2001 - I have to take a side panel off (Screwdriver) and then pop off the cover (3 tabs) to get to my filter. The side cover is pretty much watertight so pulling a string to release the filterskin would be tough on my bike, I can see it being easy on something like a KTM though.
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Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Originally posted by TTRGuy
Good idea RM_Guy, Something weird about me though..... i just can't let filters stack up like that. I take one out, then clean it - wouldn't matter if I already had 10 clean ones on the shelf :) ...
I got the idea from Scott at No-Toil. I have to force myself to let dirty filters sit around. I have to admit it's painful :whiner: At least when they are all clean I have clean ones sitting around :)
...You left a little something out of your post though.........
So what about "Nancy Hands"? Do you get them or not ;)
No Nancy hands here! I guess it's these cold winters up here that toughen up my skin :scream:


Sep 14, 2001
I have used filter skins, spry on oil, pour on oils, blah, blah, blah. I have found the no toil to clean up easy(hot water and cleaner mixed in bucket, put dirty filter in, swish and squeeze a couple of (dozen)time and then rinse. I have been using a parts washer with a mild solvent for years but the dirt contaminates the solvent so fast that it was getting expensive. The no toil complaint I have is the opposite ofTTR guy, I use 3 or 4 bottles of oil to one bottle of cleaner. Of course, re use the cleaner water as i do several filters at once but the oil goes quick. The rubbing(isopropyl) alcohol smells strong but evaporates quick and leaves the filters tacky(I worried about not having enough stickum at first). I am still in testing and cost comparison mode but it seems that the first kit with the filter almost makes the system pay for itself.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
94Ruck, I still have some of the NoToil Oil sitting around if you want it. I'm sure we'll meet up at a race or trail ride before too long. Just lemme know and I'll try to remember to put in all in the moto-box.

In a bit of an ironic discovery, I went through the garage last night and found that I also have a bottle of the cleaner :)
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A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
As usuall I'm a day late and (In this case a couple :p ) a dollar short but here is my well earned .02. Here we go, TTR stated that he wen't though quite a bit of the solvent fast. I keep my solvent in a large coffee can and reuse it about 3-4 times. That way you end up using the oil and solvent in the same ammount of time. Reusing the solvent this way lenghtens the cleaning time but it sure saves in the wallet.
BTW......It also (No-Toil) takes some of the wind out of those spinless tree huggin' communist sails!!!!!!!!! :D
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Sep 12, 2000
Put your oil in a dishwashing bottle and squirt on the amount you wan't,then massage it in.You do not have to submerge the filter in oil.I think it is a waste to dunk your filter in oil, when you squezze the excess out you never really get it all back.Plus I think it is a over kill
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Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Ruck never responded so I guess I will keep my extra no-toil products in my moto bin and the first person I ride with who asks for it can have em!


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Yeah, but what are the chances that I'll be riding with or seeing YOU anytime soon :aj: It might be Friday before we get there but its yours.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
I am definately a no toil fanatic. we also usually wait til we have 4 or 5 filters dirty before we do the cleaning. We also use ziplock bags to coat the filters and store them so when we need a new one it is good to go.
I have heard many questions about notoil and water getting into your airbox and whether that would compromise the tackiness at all. I can assure you after this weekend it doesn't work that way. I replaced the filters on all our bikes and then went swimming. I was in the pool for over an hour and when I got out my hands were still 'treated'.
BigLois I use the cleaner to wash my hands and haven't experienced any pain altho it does get warm
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