Thermal, you not man enough to be beaten by a woman? j/k
As to what have you done? Well, no more "kitchen passes" needed, no more "how much was that part?", "whad'ya mean a new bike, that one's only 10 years old", blah blah blah.
It'll be what you make of it. Once she gets her own bike & is okay on it, see if you can hook up with some of the women around locally. If she's like me, she'll prefer to ride with other women and leave you to play with your mates. Don't put her down when she's riding with you, give her plenty of encouragement, but don't baby her either (my husband still tries to baby me sometimes, and all it gets him is an earful, the shrew has nothing on me when I'm in full flight lol).
Now, how tall is she? Maybe, if she's tall enough, it's time for you to get a new bike & she can have your cast off (hey, she liked it, you've got to work these things out to suit both of you), what sort of riding will the two of you be doing? etc etc etc
Good luck & have fun & don't forget progress reports.