PARAGON Saturday 10/29


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
I am planning on coming out there next Saturday if anyone wants to have an easy to intermediate day.

:) :aj:

sick 96 250

Damn Yankees
Jul 16, 2004
if it doesnt rain that weekend like it has every weekend for the past month i would prob be going up there. Two fo my buddies have been wantiong to go but their on quads so we'll see what happens


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
Looks like it's gonna be great weather.. 50+ and sunny and DRY!

I am coming up with several guys friday night, staying the night and doing the whole day ride thing on Saturday, but leaving out early enough to get home for my birthday party! Woo hoo!

This is my present to myself.... Can't wait!


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
Ok.. well.. Yesterday it said 50+ and dry... Now it says "some showers", so those of you who are afraid to get a little damp, need not apply. I will be there however, ready to go!

The up side of the rain? NO DUST!


Jun 15, 2001
F the weather and the weather man if the man so happens to be a woman then all the better!
F the mud and the cold and the puddles and the rocks :aj:

Can you tell I need to ride? I'm gonna do want I gotta do to get up there for Saturday. Got your message Dave BTW :).

Oh yeah, this is what hard core is all about, getting out there dirty and wet in the fall. Oh and BTW, F the intermediate ride Dave, Im pumped and the weather will be cool so we are going to put you and the KDX through the paces. You can't sandbag this late in the season or youll be all pink come spring, LOL. I can stoke a fire up if we need to warm up a bit but easier to just bring a change of dry gear and grub and head back out,, LOL. :p


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002

You Bet! It's looking more and more like I'm coming out Saturday early morning instead of spending the night out there Fri.. I got your VM too Jason, no worries, no sandbagging, and no missing the ride. I WILL be there rain or shine.

See you then!!


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
Oh yeah.. F changing into the the dry gear!

Dry gear is for the ride home later!



Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Anyone going to be there Sunday, too? We have some things that have to get done on Saturday, but Sunday is probably do-able.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
LoriKTM said:
Anyone going to be there Sunday, too? We have some things that have to get done on Saturday, but Sunday is probably do-able.

Awww man.. I wish i was, but alas, Sunday is my barfday and the family thing is a must attend function.. hence the Saturday thing... :(


Jul 4, 2001
Hey Lori, I was thinnkin about going up sunday but I wont know my work schedule til friday


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
jerry and sons said:
Dave what time are you planing on being at Parageon on Saturday?

I usually come up Friday night and meet up in the parking lot at Paragon between 9-10am shooting for a 10-10:30 start time. I may come up in the morning Saturday instead this time, but still plan on heading for the trails by around 10-10:30 If you get to the park between 9:9:30 or so you should have plenty of time to suit up and get the bike warmed up etc.

Being this is your first time, I would strongly suggest you bring a means to carry water with you (camelback, or small backpack or fanny pack that you can carry a couple bottles of water in.) It does get dry and thirsty out there! We usually keep a cooler back at the vehicles with stuff for lunch too, so pack a sandwich and stuff for lunch as well, or buy something on the way out. There is a Unimart that makes good sandwiches between 81 and the park, and they have plenty of provisions as well.

We generallly go out for a couple hours in the morning for a real easy ride, then come back for lunch, and go back out after lunch for a few more hours before coming back packing up and heading out.

We'll often get around 40-50 miles under our belt on Saturday's so, if you aren't used to going that far in a day, you may want to make it a one day excursion as day two can be a sore one. ;)

We typically meet at the very bottom of the parking lot near the trailers (Farthest corner from the entrance) I don't know what vehicles we will have but I have a KDX with no stickers or anything on it, and a red helmet with flames on it.

I may have either a blue full sized GMC pickup truck, or an older Green Dodge Dakota with a silver cap on it pulling a blue rusty rail trailer.

My cell phone is (908)625-4540 but they don't work great at Paragon for all the mountains.

Look forward to seeing you!



Sep 22, 2005
going to try to show up sunday.... hopefully i can get my parts installed by then (if they all show up by tomorrow). no promises though.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
njrealtor55 said:
going to try to show up sunday.... hopefully i can get my parts installed by then (if they all show up by tomorrow). no promises though.

If you bring the bike and the parts up on Saturday, we can wrench on them together! I have a few things to bang out last minute too, but nothin that will stop the ride!


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Man, I wish I could get down there Saturday to ride with you guys. Have fun!!!


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
RM_guy said:
Man, I wish I could get down there Saturday to ride with you guys. Have fun!!!

Same here Dave.. Just a couple weeks though till the DYDR Fall run!! woo hoo!


Aug 5, 2005
Hey everyone
Looks like I'll be there this weekend also Sat-Mon. Should be showing up with a Mercury Sable towing my 450X See you out there. Lori, I'll be there Sunday for sure look for me as you go in on the left as I don't drive a pickup and tend to park near the entrance.



Jun 15, 2001
I wont make Sunday. I have alot of Halloween set up to do and Im skating out as is Saturday to ride and still have to scare kids Sat night :ahhh: . When is the DYDRN Fall ride?


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
JasonJ said:
I wont make Sunday. I have alot of Halloween set up to do and Im skating out as is Saturday to ride and still have to scare kids Sat night :ahhh: . When is the DYDRN Fall ride?

Awesome Jason! Glad you can make it for Saturday anyway!

PS: The DYDR is planned to take place on 11/12-13


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
We're a go for Sunday. Red/maroon Chevy Silverado, probably pulling a black enclosed trailer. Be there by 9-9:30am. Two KTM riders lookin' for singletrack. :cool:


Jul 7, 2005
:aj::yeehaw::aj: Oh yeah! Sunday Mid 50's and no :pissed: rain.

Trigger you gotta go ride man! You're too "sick" to work on Sunday. Yeah. No wait "religious observances" Yeah thats the ticket.:)

Remember, don't try to bend the trees, that's impossible. Only try to remember the truth. . .There are no trees.


Jun 15, 2001
Awesome ride with some good DRN freinds! The AM was quite nippy, temps in the upper 30s I think with steady wind and over cast, but no rain. I find a guy with a Jerry & Sons Logo on his truck in the DRN rally area and we start talking. Turns out we use to work for he same company about 2 years ago!!! Its a small small dirty world..... but some one has to ride it right? We suited up and headed out. A bit cold at first but thats how you know your dressed right as we soon warmed up in the play area and started to advance through the park. Jerry's first time in the park on a bike, he had road a quad there once before. Dave wanted to be sure we weened him in gradually so as not to scare him off but Jerry held Daves wheel more or less all day as we started to turn the screws up. I even belive he put the pass on him a few times in technical sections but Dave was able to walk away on faster flat sections. We even climed one of the hills in the play area, Dave boned the shifter and I was in second spot and got around him. Jerry stared the hill down (or was it us) as if to say you got to be kidding right? He spooled up 1st gear on the un modified YZ 250 and climed the hill like it was flat!!! Way to go Jerry!!!! He really did quite well for his first 2 wheel ride on a YZ 250 with stock gears and no flywheel in Paragon!!!!! I think we have a new ridding buddy!
This was Dave's first ride with the rear link lowering the KDX in the back. He said he felt more comfortable being able to toe the turff but the softly sprung rear was really over taxed. I think if he could move his bark buster brackets a bit to drop the forks more to even the bike out and get a stiffer rear spring it may take care of some of his front end handeling woes but for the money I think he should just remove the handle bars all together and bolt them to a WR 250 :nener: .
We all had a fun safe day. the best of the worst probably when I was helping Jerry unload his bike whe the ramp he was standing on gave way and he fell, I strained to keep the bike from falling on him before he got clear and cleared me to drop the bike. It broke plastic on the throttle grip end a bit but was otherwise ok. I tweeked my knee a bit but it was just fine by the end of the day. Dave picked a few DEEP lines through the cold deep puddles and stalled out in one for a photo op. I stalled out on one uphill after getting stuck in neutral, DOOOOOHHHH, dont you hate that? I also put the WR down after wheeling through a water hole at the bottom of a steep down hill and then trying to roll up on a slate wall. Part of the bunny loop I think, the rear wheel just slid off the slope causing the whole bike to go sideways and me to lay it down. No big deal, kept it running and got it turned the right way after some sliding on the slimey rock wall.
Lots of fun and a great day out, thanks guys I really needed that session. Hope to see you durring the fall ride.
Oct 13, 2005
Thanks for posting the pics. It was the best day of two wheel riding I've ever had, and you and Dave were right When I got home a bragged about the day got cleaned up and went to bed. While trying to sleep all I saw were trails through the rocks. What a great way to go to sleep. Could you email me the pics at please
Thanks ,
Look forward to riding with you guys again. :aj:


Sponsoring Member
Aug 15, 2002
Great writeup Jason. Great ride, great friends to ride with! Jerry definitely impressed me with his ability to keep the seriously "motocross" style bike (no barkbusters even!) stuck to us all day. From his earlier posts I was worried we'd be doing the bunny loop and playground all day but alas, he conquered the rocks and hills without issue. There was only 1 delay from Jerry when he stalled in a fairly rough part of some rock garden, but once he learned he didn't have to be in neutral to kick start the 250, his stall time was cut in half! ;)

As always, Jason rode the entire day on a near flat front tire, and kept a brisk pace for us to tag to. The pace was perfect though for the entire day and I even took the lead for about 40% of the time. (my first real trail lead) I think like the smell of fresh air!!

Other than getting totally soaked during the last part of the morning ride, and submarining the KDX in a very shallow looking DEEP mud puddleI had next to no problems. The new lowering links are good, and I like having my feet flat, much more confidence, but rocks gave my exhaust pipe a nice cleaning from the responding tire. I need a heavier spring in the back and I'm golden I think.

Guys, had a great ride, can't wait for the Fall run in a couple weeks! It made my birthday weekend complete!
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