PARAGON Saturday 10/29


Jul 4, 2001
Surpride! I got in from work at 3:30am and was at pParagon by 9AM including drive time. This was probably the best riding weather I have ever seen. In surprised Dave and Lori and we hit the trails but not without carnage. Early in the ride Lori laid her bike over as easy as could be but still broke the right side case cover. Back to the truck for a JB weld and some down time. I then headed out with a newbie named Bruce on another war torn DRZ400. We had a qick blast then headed back to check on Loris bike. Dave was there but the bike was not ready so we headed out to play. Dave let me try his KTM450exc out which was pretty cool. It seems he could not handle the power of my DRZ and dumped it, but I missed it!We rode for a while then headed back for lunch. We ate and got ready to ride and Lori points out my very flat front tire.I was so tired I just could not fix it. It was time to go home even though such a short day. I was proven right once again. Bikers are the best people in the world! Bruce, nice to meet and ride with you. Dave and Lori, as always, The more I ride with you guys the more I respect you both. Thanx for the memories. See you for the Fall ride! I WILL take off if the weather is good.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
We made it home last night about 7:30pm. What a great day of riding on Sunday! Weather was just beautiful. Met some new riders (Gordon and Bruce and friends) and saw some old friends (Trig!) As Trigger mentioned, my morning ride was cut short as I cracked the clutch cover on my bike. Rode it back to the pits and put some JB weld on it, and let it bake in the sun for awhile. Dave and Trigger went out for a play ride, and swapped bikes. After a quick bite for lunch, the three of us were going to head out for another ride, but Trigger had a very flat front tire. We tried some fix-a-flat, but it just foamed out the side, so we figured the valve stem was pulled off the tube. We had a spare tube, but Trig was too tired to mess with changing it, and decided to head home. Dave and I ended up going out for a ride by ourselves. Short run up Valley Road to make sure my clutch-cover repair would hold, and then onto some single track. Many areas it was difficult to read the trail with all the leaves down, but the conditions were great. We even found some new singletrack that hadn't been marked yet-- possibly our task in November? That section was a bit gnarly, as it went straight down a fairly steep hill, that had rocks covered with leaves. Made it back to the pits by 3:30, just in time to get bikes loaded and clothes changed before the 4pm closing. My JB Weld repair held up for the afternoon ride, and even a couple more tip overs, so I was happy. A bit sore this morning from the rock pounding, but glad to get one good ride in before the end of the season. :)


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
P.S.-- Hope your neck surgery goes well today, Trigger! Keep us posted!


Jul 7, 2005
I think we're going to have to start calling that first trail to the right side a valley road "the Paragon breakdown trail." This weekend was the second time in two attempts when a morning trip down that trail resulted in a trip back to the pits to fix a mechanical problem. Matthew had a gasket failure on that trail at the last big DYDR Paragon ride and this weekend Lori fractures her clutch cover. :think:

Props to Trigger for being able to herd that DRZ around paragon. I think I'll stick to bikes that go where they are pointed instead of where ever they feel like.:yikes:

My major disappointment for the weekend was not getting to take the two guys who showed up on XR650s rigged for dez racing through the "Jersey ignorant" tree section. :p

Yeah I'm evil.

Black holes are where God divided by zero.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Glad you guys had a good time. The leaves and deep water holes do make for some interesting riding. There were several times when I didn't think a puddle was as deep as it really was and had to just pin it going through. It's not a good feeling when you launch through a mud hole and feel the back end sinking down. Keeping the front wheel light was a way of life.


Jul 4, 2001
I forgot something. I can't fremember how my new front fender got all scraped to hell on the top. I didnt crash. Any ideas guys? Dave?!!!!!! I guess it will be a secret between me and whomever!! greta riding! Later!


Aug 5, 2005
Hey, the two guys on the "xr650's rigged for desert ridding" kick ass! It's almost hard to believe they choose to ride such a big heavy bike up there but make it look easy. I don't think they visit the site but their names are Buddy and Dror. Not sure yet just which day but looks like we will be there later this week for a day trip.


Aug 5, 2005
Oh yeah had a blast although short ridiing with you guys, glad to hear you got the cover fixed and back out there Lori.


Jun 15, 2001
Yeah as I recall that first few yards of single track off the right of Valley cleaned off my front fender in less than 30 seconds about 2 years ago. That was the ride of the coat hanger and duct tape fender. And we always miss that left turn and end up all piled up on a down hill rock pile dead end :yikes:
Im defanatly up for some single track later this month though. Might even put some air in the tire!
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