Procircuit will be releasing the fork holddown device soon so everyone can now get the holeshot! :scream: That makes for a crowded first turn :) Just a fad? we'll see! check the pic link.
I think the AMA should ban those starting devices. If everyone on the line has one then whats the point. Make sure everyone plays by the same rules byenforcing the elimination of start assist deices.
I have to disagree marky. Are we just going to ban all new ideas that come up. Hopefully you aren't going to try to say they should ban the big four strokes because they are unfair are you?
I have no problem with 4 strokes. I would hope that the AMA would ban competition use of “holeshot assist” devices that hold the forks down in a compressed state off the starting line like the ones AMA factory racers are experimenting with. They do work and it makes sense to use them. So what will happen is that everyone on the starting line will have to have one in order to level the playing field, once that happens, any advantage to having one is gone. The only time you have the advantage is if you’re the only one using the device. So why not just ban them all together so that all racers don’t have to go out and burn their money on order to have an equal advantage off the gate. Its no big advancement in motorcycle technology,its a good idea that should have been kept hidden under a towel. Its a $20 at the most peice of junk that we can do without.
If it's only $20 then what's the big deal? And has every holeshot been taken by a guy using the "device"? I think not. Some guys will beat anyone to the first turn no matter what.
I say let all sorts of "devices" be invented. It's the American way. And it ain't cheatin' if there ain't a rule against it! :confused:
I called PC and the list price is 109 big ones,Ouch,it comes with the fork clamp and pop off button and a template for the fork guard to mount the button. This is an easy device to produce and i'm sure other manufacturer's will,since it's new it's over priced. :|
I disagree markymark-The "everyone has it or no one has it" thing just doesn't fly. Like Senior said, "Then why not ban disc brakes or power valves. They are on all the bikes now so they should be of no consequence, right? Wrong. The bikes are all so close in performance that it is the RIDER that is the biggest difference. Do not stifle developement. That and race-proving is what gives us what we are able to buy at the dealer today. It's the trickle-down effect in action. This little device is no different in consequence than, say, allowing riders to lean forward during a start to keep the front end down.
Heck, I could drag a catapult to the gate and I still ain't gonna get the holeshot, so what difference does it make if I want to spend a buck09 on a neat little gismo I see on TV and in the magazine?
If it's available, and you want it, get it! Oh wait, did MXA give it a good review? If so, then all bets are off......... :p
Why are there any limits at all? Why not make it a free for all? Just look at the AMA weight limit on's just wrong! One reason I dislike 4-strokes is because they weigh so much. So why do they want to make it so they won't be as light as they could be?
Sounds to me like Marky wants an unfair advantage. If everyone gets one and no one has the advantage what's the big deal. Just get one and move on. If it improves performance to the first turn why not?
According to Marky let's just keep all future improvements under the covers so only a few can win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just put my big ol' belly up on the bar pad and let 'er rip! It helps the rear tire to hook up, and the first bump I hit usually throws it off, too! It's an unfair advantage, but, hey if you want one, go out and get one like I did. It took years to develop!
Hey John I got one of those too. It was expensive and took a whole lot of beer and good Louisiana food to get it. I did not know it could be used to my advantage Thanks for the tip. And to think I been working so hard to get rid of it I thought it was of no use to me.:moon: :p :p