Piece of rubber fell in tranny!


Jul 10, 2000
'95 KDX200. Tightened trans filler cap and the top/handle twisted right off. Trying to tap remaining piece out counter clockwise didn't work. Nor did other conventional methods. Finally carefully removed it in pieces but no amount of effort prevented us from dropping a 1/8x1/4x1/4 inch piece in the trans. It fell too low to retrieve. Didn't come out in a subsequent oil drain.

Question - is this really a big deal/concern? If retrieval becomes the overwhelming suggestion what's the easiest way to get to it? Bike needs a clutch anyway. Pull the cover is there a chance it'll be staring at me?


Jun 28, 2001
hi, it will probly be staring at you when you open it. i have completly torn my bike apart. the kdx is esay. you should get the peace out. and give it a cluch job to (if needed)



Aug 8, 1999
If I recall on the KDX the filler is on the clutch cover side. Normally things on that side have to go up a hump and thru a small passage to get into the tranny. I'd pull the clutch cover off and look for the peice before firing it up. It probably won't cause any problems, but I'd get it out if it were me...

I had some metal down in mine and used a combination of diesel fuel and motor oil in a small sprayer and tried to flush things out. Tilt the bike towards the removed cover side and spray away. Pull the drain plug too. Run about a gallon thru it. Let it drain well, then button it back up and fill with oil.
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