Piston Seizure!!!


Jan 6, 2004
What causes a piston seizure on the exhaust port? The engine only has 2 hours on it for break in period! I've been told an exhaust leak can cause a very lean condition overheating the port and melting the piston? I've also been told a cheap premix lube oil will do this also along with the timing being too advanced?

Any wisdom on this one before i go spend money that doesnt need to be spent?

Thanks, Eric...


Jan 22, 2002
excessive heat can cause the seizure. any of the three you described can cause excessive heat, lean air/fuel mixture ,inadequate lubrication,timing off. Also improper tolerances, poor cooling system and excessive loads.


Nov 23, 2003
Man i had the exact same problem with my 02 Yz 125. What happen (this after i talked to ERic) he said that i had my jet wayy to lean for winter riding it was a 410 i moved it all the way to 440 and that my coolent was leaking going into the piston. The front of the piston near the exhaust port was melted too. He also said to take off the coil cover and see if any oil is comming out. If there is then the seal is leaking and you have to get a new one since it is letting cold air in causing a lean condition. Also your plating may be bad. Call Eric he will fix you up. PAT
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