planning on buying my 1st bike


Nov 14, 2008
alright guys,

im in the usmc and i want to buy a dirtbike to mess around with and have fun on and off base with.

i am...
5ft 11inches
145lbs (skinny mofo)
i ride 4wheelers aggressive

i want a small bike thats pretty light and fast. i also wanna fit it in the back of my Ford Bronco with ease. (no trailers required or getting 10guys to lift it or ramps). i was looking at a suzuki rm85 and the rm125... i kinda have the idea of how the rm85 will feel. i do own a 110cc 4stroke pocket bike and i fit comfortably on it.

what would yall recommend?

PFC Hodges, camp lejune NC


Jul 23, 2007
i road my buddies rm125 on the weekend and its a pretty quick bike and i'm about 5'10 175lbs,it was nice and light and easy to move around also his is an '84 or '85 so i mean anything newer would definetly be better but i would fo sho say the rm125 would be a good bike.


Apr 18, 2006
I can see you bombing around the base on a rm85, although I have no idea if that is an appropriate thing to be doing or not.

I sure don't recommend riding that small of a bike for any aggressive off road riding. You are too big for that bike and riding it will be asking for a quick trip over the handlebars.

A 125 two stroke would be a good bike for you, but I doubt that you are going to fit it into the back of Bronco. At least not with ease. I recommend getting one of those hitch carriers , then you won't have a problem.

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