# plate Conversion to MX plate???


Mar 25, 2001
I have a 1993 kdx 250 that has inverted forks that I just crashed and smashed the number plate all to heck and I don't feel like paying 75 bucks to get a new stock one. My question is what year and size of bike # plate should I get if I want to change over to a MX plate. other than that my only other question is what do I do about the 2 bracket holes that connect to the stock # plate. You know the ones that keep the mileage box from moving or should I just remove that box?I would like to keep it if at all possible. would it hurt anything to just not connect them to anything and just have only 2 bolt holing the bracket down instead of the original 4? well sorry to ask so many questions but I have an older bike so I wanted to be as sure as possible and not waste my money on and MX plate and not know how to do it. Well thank for any help you can give me. Any 2 cents worht is welcome because i don't want to have to buy a new $75 # plate AGAIN!
:p :p :cool:
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