Please read, need help.


Aug 28, 2002
Last year my brother lost his foot in an accident involving an augar. We always rode together but the foot he lost was his shifting foot so riding is almost inposible. Does anyone know of anything that would help him shift?


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
He didn't loose it in a Phillips plant did he? I had a friend loose his left foot in a glass auger last year. :eek:
Revloc makes a compleatly automatic clutch that is RPM activated and shiftless. you just let off and it shifts. The shift lever acts as the clutch but I don't know if this an up or down motion on the part of the lever. If its down I would think he wouldn't have a problem with his prothesis(sp).


Jan 27, 2000

Not sure what bike your brother rides, but it may be possible to run the shifter and brake on the same side. It requires welding an extended shiftshaft on the right side of the stock shiftshaft and boring thru the right side case and welding in a machined boss with an oil seal.

If there are no kick starter gears in the way on the right side of the shiftshaft, this can be done. If you have a good machine shop that also does heli-arc welding in your area, they should be able to do it for you.

I have done it to many flattrack engines in the past in order to get ground clearance on the left side of the engine. The only other trick is to position both levers so that you can get your foot on the brake and the shift lever. This requires running the brake lever a little low and the shift lever a little high.

Just my $ .02


I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or not, but Brownie (Kris Brown, owner of Cooperland) is missing his left leg below the knee. With that said, the guy is wicked fast, and you would not know he is missing his leg if no one mentioned it. Do a search for him and PM him or Email him and see if he has any suggestions. He's a super nice guy and I am sure he wouldn't mind helping you and your brother out with some suggestions. Good luck!
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