Please Read


Jun 5, 2001
Something that just happened to endosports brings up a topic I'd like to share with my fellow DRN'ers. We all know that not everyone is as honest as we all are, unfortunately! We have to watch our stuff like hawks, and watch your buddies stuff, even watch the guy's stuff parked next to you that you don't know!

There that being said, I'd like to give some things to do to assure we aren't getting ripped off behind our backs (credit). If you don't do this now, please start. Get your credit reports from all three major companies, annually and if possible, every six months. Check your credit often to make sure that what you have going is indeed yours! These theives take your ID then use it to get more credit, sometimes with out you knowing it. Sometimes they steal your wallet and then put it back before you know it was gone. They get the info and run rampid! They sell it to some idiot for $100 and then it starts. The late payment calls and everything else.

Shred whatever you get in the mail if you don't want it. If you save stuff, lock it away and shred at the end of the year. Don't put outgoing mail in your mailbox, drop it at the Post Office.

We can only take care of ourselves, no one else will. Check your bank accounts often and balance them. Get your mail as soon as possible, don't let it sit. Grab your neighbors mail if they are gone, they can come to you for it, and I'm sure they will thank you as well. Don't leave your cars unlocked, they grab info off your registration cards and steal purses and wallets to get info.

I don't want to scare everyone but actually I guess I do. Be afraid, these a-holes will do anything they can and not give a care. Once your name and info gets out, it's all downhill from there and then an uphill battle to get it straight again.

We work this crap all the time and I get tired of seeing people getting ripped off. When you sell something, make sure it's cash or take them to the bank to cash their cashiers check. Don't trust a title, sometimes it's not worth the paper it's written on.

If anyone needs help on things of this nature, please call or email me. You can also go on the web and type identity theft in a search and get good info from the Govt and Org's.

Good luck



Apr 13, 2000
I have a question

What about all the junk mail for credit cards. Can somebody take those and have the cards sent to a different address?

Also I might need your help with the verification next week. I will call to set up a meeting.



Jun 5, 2001
Let me know Jeff when you need me to do it for ya. Yes, they can use those credit card advertisements as long as they grab the mail again when it comes to your address. They usually can't change an address like that though.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Good advise elk.:)

When I went to get a loan for my house I couldn't believe all of the crap on the credit report. The thing is, none of it was malicious. The problem I had was when the collection company couldn’t find the person (who had the same name as me) they put my SSN and address, etc on the report. There was one guy in the county that I live in that really messed up my credit. It took 3 months to get it straightened out.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
I'd like to add some thing to the list. Don't leave your purse, wallet, CD's, guns, jackets, etc. in your car. If you have to leave stuff in your car, put it in the trunk so no one can see it.

Leaving valuable items in plain view is an invitation to thieves.


Nov 7, 2000
Julius is very right on that. If you leave a wallet sitting on a set I just an invitation to get you window smashed out and your stuff stolen. On day I realized that I had well over 60 CDs in my truck. @ 10 bucks a peice that is $600 to replace. I went a burned all of my CDs and bought a labler. A lot less than replacing them all. Plus I don't care much if they get scratched.

Thanks for the reminder Elk. If someone wants to get your card number look no farther than the hotel you stay in or the last resturant that you ate at. whats to stop the waiter from just getting the information and writing it down or looking on your receipt. I found out that my number was used by a hotel clerk in Globe, Az for 1-800-collect calls. Over a $100 dollars worth of calls in one month. I turned over all the information to the Credit card company and signed a afadavid (sp?) saying that I did not give premission for the charge. I found out because I mentioned it to a co-worker that stayed at the same hotel and he said the same happed to him.

Just use your head about things. If the reciept that I sign has a place for a tip I will always make sure to put the total on there so that the waiter does not give himself a large tip. I usually leave cash on the table. Also, if the reciept shows the full credit card account number I black it out before I return it. Not good to have those numbers laying out when anyone could get a hold of them.


May 10, 2001
my cusins car is a hatch back so puting stuff in the trunk dont work. He had his new sound system stolen out of his car it was onley a $500 system but the sub's were $300 alone, with out the box. I dont see why people do this type of stuff. Some one brok in to my dads truck and took the portabul(sp?) CD player that was connected to it. Why would some one wast there time on a $50 thing? I'll nevr under stand.:mad:
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