
Dec 4, 2000
Last weekend's ride was so great, I kept thinking to myself that surely this much fun couldn't go unchallenged. Sure, it was raining cats and pigs and we got lost a few times but hey, riding in the woods of the great northwest is always an adventure. By the 6th hour of Saturday's riding we were soaked beyond saturation and thought nothing of all those lovely little vines we had been bushwacking through. You know, the ones that have those cute and cuddly, shiny leaves? Fast forward to Monday evening after working all day. An acute and persistant itching began to manifest itself in a most "delicate" area. Oh yeah, go ahead and laugh! Within the first couple of ever-so-gratifying scratches I began to wonder if this was the real reason why baseball players make "adjustments". Much to my horror, within another hour my inner thighs down to my knees soon exhibited similar symptoms and I began analyzing my situation. I know what you're thinking, here's a guy out "bushwacking" and gets some of Mother Nature's home grown on his 'nads. Well it's not like that! OK! My hypothisis is that since we where riding for such a long time in the rain that the oil(read pioson)also saturated my leathers, this would explain the even distribution of the offending rash and the somewhat "private" venue. Now, I know this is a family forum and all but I felt that this might serve as a warning for other sufferers of Poison Oak/Ivy. It has now been three days and I haven't slept a wink. This is probably a Karmac revenge for my trailside manners and I sincerely hope that this deosn't happen to anyone else.
One other thing, though. It sure feels good when you scratch it!

'01 KTM520E,
'99 KTM200E,
'93 CR500R


Mar 7, 2001

i had it on my habds and went crazy last year!! by the time i found and bought this stuff i didnt need it so i cant tell you how it works... all i can say is that i have that $hit under lock and key cause if i EVER get that stuff again i will be running fast for the zanfel, and i just pray that it works!!

just though i would make a suggestion as to a "possible" remedy...

John (o)(o)
'99 Suzuki RM 250


Nov 25, 2000
Technu works real good too. They make a pre-exposure lotion if you know you're going to be in it and then an after one that washes away the oil.
Sorry it doesn't help now but at least you know what it looks like for next time :)


Nov 13, 2000
Take one or two tablets of Benadryl(25mg ea.)at night for sleep and to help with the itch. If topical meds don't contain the rash, you may need to see a doctor and get a shot of steroids.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
i am a land surveyor. last summer while out working, i saw the biggest stalk of poision ivy ever. it looked like a tree. my helper swore that it wasn't poison ivy. i said that i would give him $5 if he would rub his hands in it. the next monday he came to work with purple cream all over his arms... i gave him the $5.

'00 Honda CR250
Honda of Tulsa


Dec 4, 2000
Monday evening (3:00am, couldn't sleep) I ordered some Zanfel off the web. I just got it today at 2:31pm, applied it at 2:32. Aahhhhhh. I've NEVER wanted something to go away that badly. My legs still look like lobster skin but sure feel alot better. Hopefully I haven't lost the ability to reproduce. Cheers

'01 KTM520E,
'99 KTM200E,
'93 CR500R


Mar 7, 2001
i know what you mean about NEVER wanting something to go away so bad! you probably have THE worst case scenario but i do have to say, getting it on your hands and between your fingers real bad is quite disturbing becasue between not only does it itch but is swells up bad and there is not too much extra skin to adjust to that so it start throbbing and very feverish.. UUUGGHHHH that stuff is NASTY! im glad you have finally got a little relief!!!!!!!!

John (o)(o)
'99 Suzuki RM 250


Aug 2, 2000
I get poison ivy if I even get near it. Now days I go the the drug store and get this lotion that you put on Before you go into the woods. I don't know the name of it but it sure helps. I'm sure you can find it.


Dec 4, 2000
Well, the Zanfel has worked, to SOME extent. The stones are doing much better but my legs are still burnin'. I must have a "special" affinity to the "Oak". In any case, this has been a very punishing experience. No sleep for four days now, I even ordered a "Grumpy Meal" at McDonald's the other day!
Heading out to central Oregon for a big club ride, maybe the high desert air will be good for the cause. Indeed, life is good.

'01 KTM520E,
'99 KTM200E,
'93 CR500R


Jan 30, 2000
What about the pants? If it's oil it could be still lurking there even after you washed them. Just waiting to get you again, only worse this time, spreading all over your body, itching without relief till you can't stand it anymore.

Maybe it spread to your boots...or your helmet...your gloves. :p


Jan 7, 2001
I'd humbly suggest going to a doctor & getting the steroid shot if it's that bad. I've been in that boat before & that shot is a life saver.

`01 CR250R
`00 ZX-12R
`99 TT-R 250


Jan 17, 2001
I agree with Jimmy!

For the past 3 years I got horrible cases of poison ivy! Finally last year I went to a doctor and got a steroid shot and some cream (thank god for prescription cards). I have a nasty scar on my arm, but it went away VERY quickly as opposed to 2-3 weeks the year before!

The doctor also told me to take Benadryl 2-3 days BEFORE you know you are going into the woods to build up an immunity. In addition, remove your clothing as soon as possible--dont ride home in it! Put in a separate bag and dump into washer without touching again!

That is the only thing I DO NOT look forward to this year. I KNOW I will get another case of it. Time to stock up on Benadryl!

Good luck!


Mar 28, 2000
I've gotten poison oak real bad my entire life. Of course I have hobbies like hunting, hiking, fishing, and riding motorcycles, so I constantly get into it. When I was a kid I would end up in the hospital. Now I hardly ever get a bad case--enjoy my 35 years of wisdom.
Here's what I do:
1)If you go somewhere the poison oak is--assume you got into it. You can also get it out of the air if they are burning it, from particles of crumbled up dry leaves that your buddy roosts on you, and from water like in creeks or lakes.
2)Change clothes as soon as you are done with your activity. If you have it on your hands, pants, ect you can tranfer the oil and get it later--like the next time you climb into the truck in shorts.
3)Put the clothes directly into the washer and wash in hot water with plenty of soap. Wash your boots/shoes/gear/bike with soapy water. Do not let your wife/husband/kids handle these items without telling them what could be on them. They get unhappy when they break out.
4)Take a shower with the water as cold as you can stand it. Hot water will open your pores and let the oil in. Wash every square inch of your body with soapy water. Change washcloths and repeat. Make sure you clean under your fingernails. Do not take a bath--the oil just floats on top and redeposits on you when you get out.
5)If you are prone to getting Poison Oak take an antihistimine like Benedril--it will help keep you body from overreacting to the acid in the oil. Keep taking it for a couple of days until you are sure you didn't get it.

If you get it:
1)Repeat steps 4&5 twice daily to keep it from spreading. Do not take a hot shower.
1a)If you have it that means the oil is in/on your body and eventually your body will boot it out--change your sheets and pillow cases daily so it doesn't get a second chance.
2)It quits itching when it drys out--that's what the Caladryl Lotion is for. For faster relief (try this if pain is your friend) scratch the blisters so they are open but not to the point of bleeding (it feels better than sex) then wipe with rubbing alcohol or (for the people who really appreciate pain)--bleach (this does not feel better than sex unless you are really wacked). Wash your hands with soap, making sure to get under the nails to get rid of any potential oil. Repeat every couple of hours. Sounds like a joke, but it can dry it up in a couple of days or less--your doctor wouldn't recommend it, but take it from an expert on the subject, it works.

2000 DRZ400-S
1993 XR650L

Email me at [email protected] if you are interested in dual sport rides in or near San Luis Obispo County.


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
this is the most entertainment I've had in a long time...
I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune but I have to say it's mighty funny to hear about

'84 Can-Am ASE 250 (brutally fast rat bike)
'93 Kawasaki KDX200 (big bore kit, A-Loop suspension, FMF pipe)


Aug 4, 2000
Poison oak is bad news. I get severe reactions to it - usually my head swells up to watermelon sized proportions, and my eyes swell shut. I went to the hospital in Brooklyn one time after getting a severe case of it from cutting wood out on Long Island, and an intern there tried to admit me to the hopital, swearing that I had eaten fish from tin cans. Knowing what I had, I finally convinced him that there is such a thing as "poison tree", and he called the poison control center from the hospital! I got out of there none too soon, and went to a local doctor. Several shots of ACTH and a prescription for prednisone is what it usually takes for me. Hope you fare better!

KLX Spode

Feb 29, 2000
This is funnier than the "Cow Jumping" story!! Man, hope your not married! :)Could you immagine that in an area not so easy to scratch as a man's nether-regions! Makes you cringe.
I agree on the steroid shot, it is like a miracle. I can darn near walk by someone who has talked to their butcher who's son got poison oak and get it. I'm like the other person, my eyes almost swell shut and the whole nine yards. Stuff is misserable! Good luck!


Oct 7, 1999
:D :D :D LMAO. (I got extra strength BenGay on the nadskies once. ONCE. Even though I was aiming higher, for a pulled groin, due to the proximity I must admit: "Stupid is as stupid does".)

I don't know if you were around last year when somebody posted about getting Rhino Liner on their hee-who.


Mar 6, 2001
You've recieved some pretty good advice here.

I had poison ivy last year during my honeymoon. :eek: Had to be real careful(if ya know what I mean). Couldn't of picked a worse week to have it all over me.

I went to see the doctor and he specifically said that if you have it on your face or privates the only thing that will get rid of it is the steroids. He gave me pills to take for a few weeks. With steroids you have to ramp down the dosage or it can be dangerous to you.

Anyways, do yourself a favor and go to your doctor and get the Roids !!

If you don't you will only prolong your suffering.

(formerly XR44ME) Rick

AMA Member
NETRA Member
'00 KTM 300 MX/C

[This message has been edited by Pumpkinhead (edited 04-01-2001).]


Dec 4, 2000
Hi everybody! It's me, the hapless victim of the "evil oak". Thanks for all of the advice, it would appear that I've touched on a sensitive subject.
I've gotten a lot of laughs this week from my "friends". Unfortunately, thier advice hasn't been as good as all of yours'. "Beltsander" said one of them. "How about premix?". "It itches right now, doesn't it?". "Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy". "HA HA HA HA". "What were you REALLY doing in the woods?" etc.
I've finally recovered, that Zanfel stuff is pretty awesome. By the time I got it the poison oak was pretty deep in my legs so it didn't completely irradicate it, sure helped on the nuts though. It enabled me to ride all of this weekend but I'll have some scars on my legs for a little while. Hey, that could be a new pickup line, "Wanna see my scar?". Nahh, that's tacky. If I get it this bad again I will definitely do the shots. I will also take more precautions after riding in the stuff, I know what it looks like. Thanks to all.

'01 KTM520E,
'99 KTM200E,
'93 CR500R


Sep 17, 2000
Hey endo,when I was 18 I got poison Ivy so bad,it started like your oak i was scratching and scritching,I tried Aveno and calamine lotion to dry it up,it got so bad oozing blisters my eyes were almost closed.They gave me steroids to make it go away in 3 weeks it went away. Never burn it either cause it can kill ya if the oils from the smoke get in your lungs.Even when it is dead it still is catchable too,no leaves just the vine.dr told me it isnt contagious ,its really a form of contact dermatitis from the oils in the plant.The cashew plant is related to the poison ivy plant to. Well happy scratching,see ya on the trails.
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