Porting My Engine


Dec 31, 2007
Hello everyone! I have a quick question. How much do you think it would cost to port a '06 YZ85 engine? I'm considering it but not sure how much it would cost. I'm trying to put money into it so I can sell if for more. Thank you!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Porting will not usually make a used bike worth more. If anything it makes it appear as a bike that has been abused or raced and tends to lower the perceived value for a lot of buyers. Putting more money into a bike rarely makes it worth more when it comes time to sell it.

Clean it up, fix the obvious problems and sell it.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Rich hit it right on- Mods very seldom are worth anything at sale time unless specifically done for the buyers needs . If you have it ported for woods it might discourage an MXer and vice versa.
A stock well maintained and presented bike will sell just as fast if not faster. If needed buy new plastic, a new air filter, be sure he oil is clean, bars are straight, levers all work, and that the bike starts first or 2nd kick
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