portinkg - need a guru

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Mar 16, 2000
porting - need a guru

I am looking for an excellent, reputable and honest (in other words, a guy who cares) mechanic or shop, that I can OVERNIGHT mail my cylinder and head to, to have moded, on a Monday, and get it back the following Thursday, or even a week from the following Thursday- (I will pay to have it OVERNIGHT mailed back), so we can have it back in time for a national race. COST IS NOT AN ISSUE! I ask because I'm sick of the petulant brat mechanics and shops, that in their advertisements promise you the world, but in reality give you nothing.
Also, if I mail those parts should I also send my plug and piston, so the tuner can evaluate the condition of the engine, or diagnose a specific problem (such as bad gas) Or would they open the box and throw the piston and plug in a bin with a bunch of others, without even looking at it? thanks
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Sponsoring Member
Apr 20, 2001
As a previous satisfied customer, I recommend you click on Eric Gorr's link over on the left.


Sponsoring Member
Apr 20, 2001
Originally posted by Okiewan
Here's a hint. The best out there (Eric) can not turn around that fast. Course a slug with no work probably could. You're expectation is unrealistic. A little planning would have been helpful.

Well sure, if you want to live in the real world and deal with things like reality and all. Where's the fun in that? :)


Mar 16, 2000
Oh, I would definately call first, and set up a day to mail overnight, that the shop would agree to, so I can get it back at least within a week of when the shop agreed to have it overnight mailed back by, with the work agreed to completed.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Call Eric and ask but don't bank on it being possible. He will give you EXACTLY what you ask for within reason if you are very honest and realistic in what you tell him your after on the phone. Since he does not have 10 guys with die grinders making minimum wage doing his work and not all "porting" involves removing material so there is an art to it. I'm sure you'll be very pleased with the final results. You can have a paint by numbers porting job or and original by a true master but it may not happen instantly. Since cost is not an issue, maybe consider buying a spare to have the work done on?


Feb 10, 2002
Well eric's kinda busy right now...he got my cylinder about a week and a half ago...and he hasnt even started on my cylinder :( kinda of depressing but hey, what can i do.


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
It took several months for Eric to complete and return the jug and hat for my 133, but the result was dramatic. Eric delivered everything he promised. If you are racing Nationals then at the least you should have another cylinder. If you find someone who can "MOD" your cylinder in a few days, ... consider why he is NOT busy with work!
I'm sick of petulant brat riders that expect everything to be done for them at the drop of a hat. :silly: Not saying that you are.
Be prepared, race hard and good luck.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Your expectations may be unrealistic but try calling Eric Gorr, or Wes Gilbert (Boyesen Precision Porting) or Pete Payne (Heavy Duty Racing) and see if any of them can meet your needs. All of them do exceptional work, but then tend to be busy all the time so don't hold your breath.


Super Power AssClown
Aug 24, 2000
Don't waste your time on me, I'm still dealing with a lengthy back-log. I can't even manage to mow my lawn in a time scale ranging from Monday to Thursday. The Amateur Nationals really messed up my schedule. Frankly I can't believe that people would wait until 2 weeks before a national event that they spent thousands of dollars to qualify for, then decide that they suddenly need their engines rebuilt. But I guess thats one of the things that makes me an old fartknocker!
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