Prarie City Lillipution HS

angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
This race takes place at the OHV park where the Hangtown National MX is run. The conditions this year were perfect, slightly wet with no dust. There are mostly rolling hills and gold diggings exposing millions of big rocks.
The start was a straddle the front wheel dead engine deal. I started in the 2nd row and got a mid pack start. I got right in the mix and felt good early. I tucked in behind Robert Brumit and Byron Rifenberg. I felt the pace was pretty good, but Robert crashed letting us by. There was no pressure from behind, so I put the pressure on Byron. We took a wrong turn, but quickly got straightened out. I got by when Byron got squirley on some slick rocks. We stayed nose to tail for a lap (10 miles) before he got stuck in a mudhole. I passed Mark Silva and was riding well, but I was sick all week and began to fade. Nick Thom passed me and I dug down and stayed with him. He crashed hard and I asked if he was ok. He waved me on, and I looked back and saw Byron gaining on me. I pinned it and road well for the final 2 of 5 laps. I never crashed, which is rare for me, and came home with a 4th in class and 35th overall. I passed Heather Wilson near the end and held her off. I was spent but happy with my result. The Dirt Diggers are one of the best clubs around, and everything was on time. Good job by them!


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Good job Jim! How technical was the course besides the rocks?

Unkle Moose

Jan 16, 2001
Good write up Jim and congrats on yours and Toms races. That was me on the Husky who yelled at you as you were walking to check the results.

Natalie it wasn't that technical, just slippery on the rocks and some mud holes.


angry jim

Sponsoring Member
Aug 4, 2000
I new that was you. I went looking for you later but failed.
Like you said, it wasn't too technical, but a little tricky as far as traction went. The womens beginner class had about 30 riders Natalie. You may be to fast for that class, I don't know. It was the most fun I've had there probably.

Unkle Moose

Jan 16, 2001
Jim those rocks are fun when slippery, it's a good thing I have Astrick Knee Braces, gas it at the bottom and roll over the top.

Natalie my daughter did her first race there in the beginner womens class on a TT125L, she quit with 20minutes to go, had fallen earlier and kinda knocked the wind out of her, didn't eat breakfast and had nerves, felt like she was going to get sick but shes wants to try again next year, just needs more practice this winter.


d36RM racer

May 26, 2004
That was a great course props to the Dirt Diggers I was loving it i was in the top 15 overall in the c class and on the lap i ate **** and tore my rotator cuff i had to ride slow to the finish line and lost a lot of time like 5 min. oh well i just hope i can race willseyville


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002

Well, hopefully it was just a "pull" and not a "tear" or you will most likely not be able to do Wilsey. Its at least an 8-week heal for rotator. How much are you hurting ,did you go to doc?

I will try to do the Lilliputian next year, I thought about it this year, but was so stressed out at work/schedule I opted to not. I did the Furnace HS on Sept 19th and did not encounter anything technical, so I was wondering what's up with Lilliputian, I had heard about the rocks. :eek: They kept them out of the course for the furnace :worship:
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