Pro Fuel 110 and 115


Jun 21, 2000
The only place in my area that has race fuel for sale is buying Pro-Fuel products and relabeling. They only have 100, 110 and (115 oxygenated) and no one at that place knows what is best to use on a racing 2-stroke. They come in those blue 5galon paint pails. I'm not even sure they have the right octane numbers. I really wonder which I should use. The 115 requires me to richen the bike, while the 110 makes the bike run rich so I lean the jetting. I've been switching back and forth between the 110normal and 115oxygenated. Does anyone know about Pro-Fuel products? and which would be more suited for my bike? If you know of a link that might get me out of confusion.:eek:
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