Pro Power Racing fuel


Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
I decided to try race gas in my bike, ive ran it before in my XR since it had 11:1 compression, but never in a 2 stroke before. I drove by an oil distributor and they had a sign out that said "we have VP C12 and Pro Power race fuels". So I stopped in and talked with the salesman, and to my suprise he was very knowledgeable, he was honest and said that the Pro Power stuff was new and he didnt know much about it, but it is supposed to be comparable to the C12, it has nearly the same specs and its a whole dollar cheaper per gallon. He also explained that I would need to do some carb tuning to get the most out of it (i already knew this). Anyway I was impressed that he knew what he did (most sales droids dont know crap) and being the tight wad that I am I skiped the VP and went with the cheap(er) stuff. I havent had the opportunity to ride my bike yet, so I havent messed with jetting, but I already like the smell!!! :aj: anyway, anyone over heard of this stuff before? oh ya, the brand was Pro Power, but the fuel itself was just designated as "purple".
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