Problem with 2001 Husky 50J


Mar 13, 2000
About three weeks ago I bought a used 2001 Husky 50J for my son. Overall I am very impressed with the bike but it seems to have a consistent problem. It starts and runs great when cold. The following has happened the every time he has ridden it for any length of time. It has happened after as soon as 10 minutes and after as long as 45 minutes but it is always the same. The bike starts running terribly and eventually won't even keep running. It will start but backfires and has absolutely no power. The first time, I let it sit for about 10 minutes and it started right back up and ran well for the rest of the day(about 90 minutes). The second time I changed the plug immediately and it started up right away and ran well the rest of the day (again about 90 minutes). It happened again today. It is getting annoying and I'm starting to not trust it. I have always checked the plug when this happened and it has always looked just like I try to get my plugs to look but changing the plug yesterday obviously helped. He is riding the bike at a pretty good clip, not boggin it or running at low throttle for any length of time. I realize that there are a million variables that could be causing this problem. The stock plug is a B7HS. I am running the same mixture that I run on my KTM300, Amsoil at 50:1. I did buy it from a dealer and plan to speak to him about it but I just wondered if this sounded like a problem that anyone else has had. I seem to remember a post a while back that mentioned a coil or stator problem on these bikes. Would this cause it to act like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Sponsoring Member
Nov 27, 2001
A few gents around here have had problems with the stator. Their problems were no spark at all when hot and one guy had his just stopped firing once in a while. You might give the dealer a shout.
When it dies remove the plug cap and hook it to a spare plug and see what the spark looks like.
Also pull the float bowl and look for sand grains. Maybe its clogging the jets and the sitting during the plug change is actually what is clearing it up??? Had that happen on the Cobra.



Do the impossible its fun
Jul 16, 2000

I've had to take ny boys Husky back 3 times for the magneto. But of course that was because there was no spark, (the dealer replaced it free of charge each time) so I doubt this is your problem. The first thing I would ask you is how often you clean the filter. And what type of filter oil you are putting on it. If you are using Bel Ray filter oil this could be the problem, mabey :think: . After his first ride on his bike, we went through it and I cleaned the filter and put the Bel Ray to it. Come time to ride, it wouldn't go when he was trying to get on the pipe. After about a weekend of knocking my head against the wall and tearing his bike down. I decided to clean the filter and let him rip down the driveway with no oil on it (since it is a paved driveway). And boom, ran like a top. I went from using Bel Ray to using PJ1 in a spray can so I could lightly paint a application on the filter for his bike. I wasn't putting the Bel Ray on heavy. But it must have been more tacky, I guess. This might not be your problem. But you mught check it out.
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