Feb 29, 2004
I just picked up an 84 KX-80 for my wife to ride.
The float seems to stick open and overfill, and it pukes gas out the overflow, I took the carb apart and cleaned it and adjusted the float but it still does it.
Where is a good place to get a carb rebuild kit for these little pissers.
Also it is having the same problem as another poster,
It boggs from a start terribly, won't even go up to slightest incline from a stop... but once its moving it revs and runs fine.
To lean yes?..


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Sounds like the float valve is worn. The needle probably has a groove worn in it and it doesn't stop the flow of gas when the float tells it to. The result is gas flowing out the overflow vent hose and a very rich mixture low speeds which could help your problem going up hills from a dead stop. You can buy just the seat and needle from your local dealer.


Mar 27, 2003
Northwest Georgia
SUDCO (click) Has all sorts of rebuild kits which would include the valve you are referring to, plus new gaskets and screws. Give them a call, chances are their price will be WAAAAAYY cheaper than locally, and they can ship in a hurry if you need them to.

The needle-valve for my carb was $32 from my dealer (it also was not stocked.) Sudco had a rebuild kit (which includes the vavle) for $42 plus a buch of other parts.

Good luck! :cool:
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