PW50 Parts???


Sep 6, 2007
My son crashed his '05 PW50 hard yesterday. I am in need of a new set of forks, a new front wheel, handlebars, front fender, and a few other small parts. Where online is a good place to buy these parts. I really don't want to get screwed by the dealer. I want to buy parts that are in new or in new condition since the bike is only a couple months old. I would like to stay away from **** if possible.

My son is okay after the crash. He is bruised real bad but no broken bones. If he didn't have his chest protector on, he would have at least one broken shoulder and possibly a collarbone. His Thor chest protector actually broke on impact. His helmet is also scuffed up real bad. I can't say enough about how important the proper gear is. He hit almost head on with my 12 year old nephew on a TTR-125. It was so dusty they couldn't see. Luckily, my nephew was on the brakes when it occurred, otherwise it could have been a lot worse.

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