Maybe this should be advanced but I think its a MOD.
Ok as we PW50 fathers/Mothers know if it rains the PW50 does not run or will die when reved.
what I want to do is By pass the stupid start/run/off switch because thats where one of the problems start.
Its seems that I might be able to get away with a 2 kill switch system rather then that start/run/stop switch.
It will not start if its in run but if in start , it will start but not Run.
Question is.
do you think I can add a start Button so then once its started let off the button so that its in RUN. then add a kill button to shut it off.
even if I have to toggle switch I need to do something to water proof this bike.
Ok as we PW50 fathers/Mothers know if it rains the PW50 does not run or will die when reved.
what I want to do is By pass the stupid start/run/off switch because thats where one of the problems start.
Its seems that I might be able to get away with a 2 kill switch system rather then that start/run/stop switch.
It will not start if its in run but if in start , it will start but not Run.
Question is.
do you think I can add a start Button so then once its started let off the button so that its in RUN. then add a kill button to shut it off.
even if I have to toggle switch I need to do something to water proof this bike.