I purchased my 6yo a new PW80 back in May. He took to it pretty fast. We've made a few modifications to it since then.
The bike seems to run great for the first 10 or 15 minutes of riding. Then it seems to loose 75% of it's power for a while. It just seems to become unresponsive. Then out of no where all the power comes back, and it runs well.
Modifications done
1. Removed the restictor in the mouth of the exhuast. Then drilled out two other restrictors in the mouth that condensed the opening. Also removed that cone shaped thing in the silencer.
2. Boysen Power reeds
3. Leaned the needle Jet 1 position
4. Changed the main jet from .125 to .115
5. K&N Filter
6. Open up the Air box using some small one inch Uni Filters
7. Changed the front sprocket to one tooth smaller.
Next thing I want to do: Remove the premix system, and start mixing my own.
This problem only started happening in the last week. It ran well for about a month since the last modification I did.
The plug looks healthy when it looses power, and I've even replaced the plug when it starts loosing power to no avail.
I thought at first the carb was getting dirt in it, but it's clean.
Any advice would really help.