Do you ride woods or track and what mods have you done to your RM250? My 01 YZ250 has been bullitproof. I use it for track and woods with stock suspension, I have had many bikes over the last 10 years and it's my favorite. I like it better then my 250X in the woods. I've also owned ...01&03 YZ250F, 03 YZ450, 00&98 YZ250, 96 RM250 and a few others. I've kept the 01 YZ and still have it cause it works everywhere. The X is for sale on TT. Another favorite was the RM250. It brought home a lot of trophies in SX, but still was fun in the woods.
My point being, for 05, YZ or RM? RM's have always fit me well and turning is unmatched. I have a Scotts Damper to handle any headshake. Up until yesterday I was pretty sure about the YZ, but TWMX didn't give it the writeup I was expecting. It wasn't bad, but wan't stellar like the RM write up. As far as gearbox problems, I have never had any problems with any of my YZ's. Ironically, my 96 RM had a ghost nuetral between 3rd and 4th. I know the RM's have come a long way, but the clutches are still a little funky(grabby) from what I hear.
Anyone have any thought/input on my babble?