Quitting Smoking

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
I was 215ish when I quit. Went up to 230, but then started bicycling which I think helped some. Now I'm back down around the full figured 215ish that I was. :) Being a few lbs overweight is waay better than being a smoker though. :)


May 4, 2004
Nice job GreenHorn! :aj:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Great job Greenie! So now you'll be double healthy, no smoking AND exercising!

When I quit smoking (the first time) I went from 100 pounds to 130 or so...I've stayed at that weight now, but putting on that weight was actually good for me because I was sickly underweight. I started working out and going to the gym and got in really good shape, then I stopped (LOL) but I plan on joining the gym again!


DRN's Resident Lunatic
Aug 3, 2004
I haven't lit up for 2 days now. Was a Pack a day smoker for 3 years. Started when I was 18, I'm almost 21 now. I figure I would be much better off quitting now rather than years down the road. I woke up yesterday morning and decided that since I had finished a pack the night before, and I would've had to go buy some more, instead I would quit. The major cravings only seem to be after I eat. As long as I stay busy, I don't feel the "need" to have one.

I've already noticed how much better I can smell things. When I was at school earlier today a friend who smokes sat down beside me in class. I almost gagged he reaked from smoke so bad. I can't believe that I've smelled the same for the past 3 years. That must be a huge Turn-off for a non-smoker.

To everyone else who has quit cold turkey. Does it get easier from here, or will the cravings get even worse before they go away?


DRN's Resident Lunatic
Aug 3, 2004
I think I'm going to use the money I save for a Down payment on an '07 250 Something !!!

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Masterphil said:
To everyone else who has quit cold turkey. Does it get easier from here, or will the cravings get even worse before they go away?

Cold turkey or the patch or whatever, it all takes alot of work and dedication to quit. For each person it's different. For me personally it took a good 3-4 weeks before I noticed it getting easier. The first week or so being the toughest. Just keep reminding yourself every minute of the day on why you're quitting. Good luck! :cool:


Apr 6, 2002
I think I'm going to use the money I save for a Down payment on an '07 250 Something !!!

I smoked a pack and a half for over 35 years, what kinda down payment would that have made? A small island?


May 4, 2004
Good luck on your quest Masterphil. It got easier for me after the first two weeks or so. Hopefully it'll do the same for you. Matt


DRN's Resident Lunatic
Aug 3, 2004
I just got home from work tonight and made it through. I've noticed a big difference between today and yesterday. Basically all day yesterday (day 1) was one huge craving. Today (day 2) it was mainly after I just got done eating or during break at work. I just stop and take a couple of deep breaths.


Apr 9, 2003
Ok, so i know that this is an old post, but i remembered seeing it and i'm trying to quit smoking. I'm 17, and started out smoking at 13. I only smoked maybe once or twice a day, my parents didnt find out about it until i was about 15, i've been smoking a whole lot more than that since then. I was up to about a pack a day beacuse i'd always be hanging out with my sister and her boyfriend, who both smoke. I usually wake up and have a ciggarette, then have one when i walk to school, then have another one at school, then on the way home from school, and then one of two before i go to bed. Its horrible, because now all my friends smoke. I started smoking because i got into smoking marijuana. BAD BAD STUFF!! I quit that by using ciggarettes, then i tried to quit smoking, but got into chewing. DAMN that apple skoal. I quit chewing, with the help of my bf by using toostie rolls. Then i quit them for a while, but somehow ended up smoking agian. I smoke when i drink, which is also bad, beacuse its like a pack at least. My sister's fiance that she has now smokes 2 packs a day and my other sister's bf smokes a pack a day since he got out of a jail about 6 months ago. I have tried cutting back, which is about 3-4 a day, but im going nuts. My friend amanda jsut quit smoking, but now she's chewing. The incentive that i used to quit chewing, was the tobacco in my teeth, but now the have the pouches. I had one of those the other day. I havent had a cigarette since this morning and i hope to not have one tonight or tomorrow morning. I'm not sure if i really want to quit though. I had one a few weeks ago at my grandfathers farm when i was working on my truck and he didnt know that i smoked and he asked me if i was dumb and reminded me that his father died from emphysema. I felt like dying right there. It is a stupid habit. Both of my sister's quit smoking but thats because they're both pregnant, and get sick from. Its just so hard. Money is real real tight right now, to say the least, we're pretty hard pressed, but i'm going nuts. Theres 8 people living in my house, including a 1 and half year old. My mom smokes, my dad smokes cigars, and jerry and lucas smoke, my sisters' bfs'. MY sisters are pregnant, which they are a bit *moody* if you can call it that. We dont have tv or anything like that to preoccupy me, and now that all my friends have picked up the habit its hard. I know that its more environment then habit for me though, beacause when i'm at my grandparents house, i dont smoke, dont want one, and dont even think about it. Its not stressful there i guess, but i want to know how to cut the stress, really, because cost isnt really a problem, because i get ciggarettes all the time from friends and my bf buys them for me. Oh yeah he smokes at least a pack and a half a day. When i'm driving my ford, i dont smoke beacuse it's standard, but when i drive my toyota, which is an auto, i smoke. Trouble is im selling my ford so i can get my toyota on the road. And trying to keep the ash trays clean isnt an incentive, because i dont use them anyhow, and i clean the dash and that regualary, and theres never really any ciggarette ashes on it. Chew was hard enough to quit and i really dont want to have to fall back on it, beacuse jsut about everyone in my equipment class at school chews, and i fit into the "redneck" quota, so a handful of my friends chew also. I need some more incentive, can anyone help?!?!?! I have my grandfather, but thats not really a direct hit, and i dont even hardly get to ride, so thats not one either!!!!!!

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999

The sooner you can get these bad habits under control the better. The longer you keep going the more used to the lifestyle you'll become. Believe I know. It wasn't that long ago that I was 17 (time really does fly). Smoking AND drinking WILL ruin your life if you allow it to become a regular thing. You're waaay too young to be having this kind of addiction problem. I might even suggest that because of you being so young that you go seek help from a support group. I know this may sound lame, but I PROMISE you'd be happy with the outcome if you were willing to spend some time getting help. It will be hard considering it sounds like you come from a long line of smokers/ drinkers. Take some pride in yourself and be the one to break the string of addiction amongst your siblings. Working through adversity is not easy...but it makes you 10 times stronger.

Good luck and let us know what we can do to help. If you need advice in getting into the right support group I'm sure we can help. Whatever it takes man, just let us know. Get this under control while it's still easy. You've got your entire life ahead of you.


May 4, 2004
Yep, GH is right. Let us know if we can point you in the right direction. It sounds like you know what to do, you just haven't done it yet. Make the decision now, it'll be a lot easier now than later. Matt


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Pyro, might i sugest smoking cessations, its put on my the american lung association, worked wonders for me.. I really wanted too quit deep down, they just made it easier too deal getting rid of the habit..

" Take some pride in yourself and be the one to break the string of addiction amongst your siblings" Well said GreenHorn :)


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Hows everybody else doi?? MasterPhil?? :cool:


Oct 8, 2005
Well I just got done reading all 44 pages of this thread and I have to say its great to see people quitting and not preaching. I quit on Feb 17 05 after 12yrs of 2pks/day
and havent looked back since. I feel much better and really havent gained weight. I am however addicted to Icebreakers candy but its sugar free so no biggie I guess.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Way to go, dcobra! It's a big accomplishment and only we ex-smokers truly understand that. :)

BTW, pyro what's going on? You gotta game plan yet? Just tell us what you need man and we'll do what we can.


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
HOWS everyone hangin in?? GreenHorn, what is it now, 7 months?? How you doin YZ?? Cool pics into the foam pit bt!! :cool:


May 4, 2004
Going Great Rickyd! Almost a year! How about you?


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
Congrats on the approaching year mark :cool: Im doin good, im at about 3.5 years, it will be 4 years this coming 4th of july.. FWIW, when i did my quit smoking program (kinda like a AA for smokers) they said the lungs begin too heal over time.. Last week i had a physical, the doc listened too my lungs ad said they sound fine :cool:
Keep us posted on your 1 year anniv :cool:


Apr 4, 2005
I really really need to quit smoking. Pack a day is hard on the lungs, and hard on the pocket book.

I mean that's money I could be spending on the bike!

At this point in time, quitting smoking just isn't feasible.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
rickyd said:
GreenHorn, what is it now, 7 months??
It will be on the 29th of this month...thanks for asking. :cool:

Matt, I'm envious of your upcoming 1 yr anniversary. The only thing that makes it bearable is that I know I'm only a few mos. behind you. :)

It really does get easier and easier the more days/ mos. I put behind me. I know going back to smoking at this point would have to be the dumbest thing I could ever do. Especially because I know how much work it took to get to this point.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
How's everyone else donig? Perry, Sparx, Roost etc...???
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