Dec 25, 2005
HOT C said:
I quit this morning, after reading some threads on this forum,i tossed my fancy looking ashtray in a trash can and vowed never to inhale the demon again, i'll use the same determination i used 11months ago to quit drinking alcoholic bevarages.
I have 3 dogs that are always all over me, but whenever i light a ciggarete they start sneezing and try to get away from me till the cigarrete smell clears out and that has been a big issue in my life,[ kind of like even animals know better].I need all your support for 6 more days and check on me next wed 11th to see if i made it. We can always encourage and support one another on this forum to quit.
Here comes day 2 with 5 more days to go and iam getting stronger,can't wait to join the non smoker's club officially on wed, jan 11th. I wish all the quiters working on quiting, inner strength,self displine, dont give up and dont cheat on your self by taking a 1 drug / puff, keep smelling the end zone which is only 7 days away.


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
HOT C said:
Here comes day 2 with 5 more days to go and iam getting stronger,can't wait to join the non smoker's club officially on wed, jan 11th. I wish all the quiters working on quiting, inner strength,self displine, dont give up and dont cheat on your self by taking a 1 drug / puff, keep smelling the end zone which is only 7 days away.

Hang in there HOT C! :cool: When I quit cold turkey tooth picks became my best friend. Give it a try.

May will be 2 years smoke free for me. :aj:

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Congrats to all of you who have been hitting the 1 year mark recently. Very Cool!!! :nod: I'm at the back of the pack, but I'm still on the lead lap. :cool:

...and good luck to those of you who are taking the first step in quitting. It's gonna be an uphill battle for a little while but remember how great of an achievement it is.


Nov 18, 2005
Quitting is indeed hard as hell. But if it is realy what you want then you can do it. Been 1 1/2 smoke free for me. What realy keeps me from going it is that I don't want my kid growing up in a smokers house. Just find something to reward yourself with. Every year on the day I quit I buy myself something nice, told the wife that before and was all for it. So every year I have a day I can buy something expesive for the bike, truck, ect. without hearing how much it cost for my loved one. :) This year it was my RM :aj:


Dec 31, 2005
I'm trying to use mx as motivation to stop. I don't smoke all that much anyways, but its still a bad habit. I just think about my lungs not having enough to get me through a moto and how much better my cardio will be.


Boss's Lil' Sis
Sep 12, 2001
I am on day 9 now - still hanging in there!! I got bronchitis on day 5 if you can believe that! HAHA. Thats what I get!

Hang in there to all that are in the process!!! I know I still "want" one, but I keep thinking of my now, almost pink lungs!!! I also joined a website that tells me the exact days, hours and seconds that I have not had a smoke, how many cigarettes I HAVENT smoked since my quit date and the money I save!! Thats helps a ton!!!
Biggest thing I have heard... its the 3s that get ya... Day 3, 3 weeks and 3 months... those are supposedly the marks when 75% of people go back... If we can get thru those marks... we have a greater success of really quitting! WOOOHOO. Good luck!!!

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Congrats Chris and all that are in the process of quitting.

I quit for 35 years and stopping was the best thing I have ever done for myself.


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Hey Crispy, how about posting the web site your talking about?


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
Sawblade said:
Hey Crispy, how about posting the web site your talking about?

need to know how much ive saved also :boss: gotta justify that new gps


May 4, 2004
Great Job Crispy! :aj:


Boss's Lil' Sis
Sep 12, 2001
First off - thanks for all the encouragement everyone! Certainly does help to know others are routing for me...

Heres a link to that website I was talking about After you register, you enter your quit date, enter how many cigarettes you smoked, and how much you paid per pack.. you are all set. Once you do that... check out the Community tab... and click on quitticisms... some of these are hysterical.. I want my cyber trout and "the celery is under the left rear tire" My other favorite is Oxygen. Enjoy.

2strokesrule - this is my uneducated opinion - I would say no... the level of nictotine is the same in a 5 year smoker and a 30 year smoker. And a habit is a habit, whether its been 5 years or 30. Withdrawal sucks and so does breaking the habit... but I must say, its been worth it! I got the Nicitrol inhaler last night, really does help with the hand to mouth habit part.


Jan 8, 2006
Hey everyone - I am new here to the forum, and happened to come across this thread. I quit smoking about 6 months ago, and feel so much better. I had a very bad sinus infection that lingeres for months, and still am experiencing the effects of it. My left ear canal is permanently damaged from it. I am glad that I quit, not only for the health sake, but for the financial savings that come with the cease of cigarette purchases. Here in CA they can run you over 5 dollars a pack at times. As a fairly new (few years) rider I can use that money towards purchasing a better bike or quad.

I really hope everyone sticks with it. I am glad to see this post here, because there are of course times where you want to cave in, but I would feel like I am letting many people down, most importantly myself. Hence my 6 months free of smoke.

Good luck everyone!


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
:yeehaw: my one year no smoking prizes showed up in the mail myself a new fox strafer outfit and a new michelin for the back of my baby :) tuesday will be a year


Hot Sauce
Oct 28, 2001
2strokesrule said:
does it make it harder to quit the longer you have smoked or is it after a couple years its the same to quit as say 30 years.
I would say no.. I think a person knows when they are ready too quit.. I smoked for over 20 years, i had it my head that enough was enough..
Good luck with your decision :cool:


Boss's Lil' Sis
Sep 12, 2001
The first few days are hard.. so hang in there.I truly believe you have to be ready to quit... not just want to. Thats what made the difference for me this time!

Its been over 3 weeks for me... and there are still moments that I think about lighting up... but they are getting much fewer!! Even went to the bar Friday night... and survived!! I was impressed with my will power.

Good luck - and keep us updated on your progress!!

Last edited:


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
my 1 year anniversary email, from quitnet, computer generated but still cool

Hello ellandoh!
Your Quit Date is:Monday, January 24, 2005 at 8:00:00 PM
Time Smoke-Free:364 days, 13 hours, 56 minutes and 10 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked:9115
Lifetime Saved:2 months, 9 days, 15 hours
Money Saved:$1,825.00


You've made it! A whole 12 months without a cigarette! In that time, you've successfully navigated the physical chaos of withdrawal, the emotional highs and lows of early quit, and the pitfalls of relapse!

Countless times you've refused the offered cigs. More times than that you've craved nicotine, but opted for health, instead. You've endured teasing, lack of support, and feeling uncomfortable and out of place among smokers. You may have had issues with weight, anger, tension or sadness, but still you stayed SMOKE-FREE!

You're adjusting to a whole new lifestyle. You're already thinking different thoughts. You've changed habits and routines. You've made new friends and, perhaps, let go of some old ones. You're starting to realize the benefits of living a SMOKE-FREE life. More and more, you see yourself as a non-smoker. We hope you're as proud of you as we are.

And while you've been doing all this for yourself, you've been helping everyone here at the Q: your membership in our community, whether active or passive, has demonstrated an ongoing support of the efforts of all of us. We hope you stay with us as you continue your SMOKE-FREE journey to a fuller, richer, healthier life.
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