
Nov 25, 2003
I-81 Motorsports Park has a warm up race this Sunday, March 14. I was thinking about taking my son. I'm not sure if he would race or not. It would be his first time. Has anyone here raced at I-81 before?

Any suggestions for dad? I don't want to push but my son can be timid at times. Sometimes, it is hard to get him going but once he does, it's hard to get him to stop.

Btw, I-81 Motorsports Park is in Greeneville, Tennessee.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I'd let him just go ride the place during a practice. If they just have "open" practice be sure to not let him ride alone or behind you.


May 4, 2004
Racing At I-81

I'm new to the forum and just came across this thread. I-81 is a pretty good place for kids.This is my son's second year racing.He just started riding last year.So far he is impressing alot of people.If you are interested let me know when you will be there,maybe riding with another kid will help him.It helped my son alot.My e-mail is [email protected]
keep him safe by teaching him the right way,not just the fast way and he'll have alot more fun.Good luck


Nov 25, 2003
MXDAD65 said:
I'm new to the forum and just came across this thread. I-81 is a pretty good place for kids.This is my son's second year racing.He just started riding last year.So far he is impressing alot of people.If you are interested let me know when you will be there,maybe riding with another kid will help him.It helped my son alot.My e-mail is [email protected]
keep him safe by teaching him the right way,not just the fast way and he'll have alot more fun.Good luck

I've taken my son out there a few times, without much luck. He entered the practice race and in warm up and 2 heats, he never finished a lap. I have decided not to push him. If he wants to race, he will tell me. So far, he seems to be content just riding around the yard. Although, he does like riding the loop out by the main entrance and he loves riding around the flat track. I'd like to take him back during the week when it's not so crowded but with my current schedule it's hard to get off work.


May 4, 2004
That's a good place to ride.My son loves the loop.There are some days when we never hit the track.There are alot of trails also,that he likes.The back field is also really good across the creek.It is good that he has fun.Having fun is what it's all about anyway.Ihope you and your son have many happy years of riding.


May 4, 2004
Do you know where the little grey yard barn is? It is where the water hose is.If you turn left before the comcession stand there is a dirt and gravel road.If you follow it you will come to a creek.To the left is a little bridge,cros it and there is a huge field and lots of trails off to the right.It actually is over the hill behind the mx track.the rode is pretty flat.It's a good place for kids.That is where my son first explored the power of his new RM65.Before that he had a honda xr70.This new bike is a whole other beast.Have fun and maybe we'll bump inot each other.
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