Racing the AMA HS at Milliken,CO this weekend?


Sponsoring Member
Sep 28, 2000
Who is going to be there?

I'm thumpin around on Sat. @ 10AM.

30+ C

Should be a blast!

All the team green riders are going to be at the Longmont Kawi dealership Friday after 4PM.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 16, 2000
Hello Hokie:
I'll be there Sat (40+B) and Sunday (30+B).

I'll keep an eye out for you.


Sponsoring Member
Sep 28, 2000
I'm so bummed out about the whole thing.

My knee was not healed enough for me to go (screwed it up at Erie last Sat) so I stayed away the whole weekend.

I was looking forward to that race for at least 2 months.

How was it?


Sponsoring Member
Mar 16, 2000
Darn, sorry about that.

The Leahy's did a great job. The course was a comination of tight loose turns (lots of 4 to 6 in rocks) and high speed. Some parts were more high speed than Berthoud and others were pretty tight.

I had a great time. 2nd in 40+ B on Saturday. I was pretty tired for the Sunday race and finished 11th in the 30+ Bs. Reynome had a great race and finiished 3rd in the 30+Bs.

Hope to see you at the races.
Oct 10, 2000
The track was marked well and the people putting on the event did a great job..... BUT I'll never go there again for a harescramble!!! It was 5 miles of motocross track along with GP. I've never gone to a National harescramble that only had two trees in the whole coarse. I'm not a motocrosser, but excuse me if I'm wrong but thats all it was. I am very disapointed in the AMA in calling this a Harescramble. Very low turn out for an National event a hundred and twenty some riders on Sunday, maybe some of the regular guys knew this wasn't gonna be a real HS. Now don't get me wrong I have great respect for motocrossers but when you go to a HS you expect a HS. Just my two cents, who ever didn't go didn't miss any thing unless you like doing table tops, whoops and doubles/tripples. 7th 4strokeA, 45th overall. :(


Sponsoring Member
Sep 28, 2000
Congrats on the strong finishes!
I would have been tired on Sunday too.

You'll definitely see me out at the races again!



Sponsoring Member
Sep 28, 2000

I was wondering how it was going to compare to other national HS's.
Not too many trees out here in the Front Range. :ugg:

Sounds like the other ones are more on par with an Enduro type race.
Tight trails etc....

Bob Brooks

Jan 6, 2001
It seems to depend on what part of the country you're from as to what our idea of a hare scrambles course is. Out West...less trees and faster, more open courses. In the Midwest and East...a lot less land, way more trees and much tighter, more technical courses. I don't think there's really a set definition for a hare scrambles course should be and that's part of the inherit beauty of it. It depends on what geography the race organizers have to work wtih. Different strokes for different folks.


Sep 1, 1999
I thought that the course was great. A good variety of terrain that tested the rider in most areas. Other local HS courses are about the same. I am not sure you were expecting willyb, but if we let you flatlanders up in the hills for 2 hours of racing then you would bitch about the altatude instead of the lack of trees. :p

I would be disapointed too if I traveled that far to do not much better than half pack, but that doesnt mean the course was inferior.
Oct 10, 2000
I thought the course was fun but not what I expected. When I was pulling into Denver and seeing the mountians I was very pumped. Your right about the altatude, if we would have raced in the mountains I would have complained about that I suppose. I guess I was more upset with myself than the track. If i get better at that type of terain I'll be back next year. :)


Sep 1, 1999
If some of us hill people make it down to your neck of the woods for some racing we will have to learn to pick the bark out of our bikes and roots out of our a$$. Personally I love a tree covered course but it is few and far between out here. Any events up in the mountains are hard to come by because of the restrictions on motorized use. I thought the course was tricky with the loose rocks and dusty conditions you did well considering it wasnt what you are used to and the locals are. You might like to come out and do a enduro up in the hills here, I recomend the national up in Rand Colo 7/14. You will get your share of trees, altatude, rocks and riding!!

Phat Jaun

Jun 9, 2000
There is a enduro run at the Lutheran valley ranch up in Divide, plenty of trees etc. I wonder why a National Harescramble couldn't have been run there. I totally agree about it being a motocross. I drove from divide and turned around and drove home after seeing the track, very disappointing.


Mar 26, 2002
Unfortunately, the Pikes Peak Enduro (Divide) has been canceled. At the Kachina enduro, the RMEC rep made the announcement. So much for having an enduro on trails I've ridden before.


Jul 21, 1999
Originally posted by Phat Jaun
There is a enduro run at the Lutheran valley ranch up in Divide, plenty of trees etc. I wonder why a National Harescramble couldn't have been run there.

This is just a guess (so don't rail me) maybe because it's public land and they are afraid of people out riding on the course that are not racers?

Just a thought.



Mar 26, 2002
I am not sure why it was canceled. I know they hold that enduro every two years. I read in the RMEC newsletter that it might be back on next years schedule. Hopefully.


May 23, 2001
Now this is all second hand as I understand no quoting me.....
The main reason why the Pikes Peak enduro was cancelled was due to the Forest Service requesting an E.A. done on the area and for it to be paid by the club. This expense is upwards of $10,000. COHVCO got involved and it found that it would be illegal for the forest service to make the club pay for the E.A. It would have turned into yet another legal battle. The race *may* have happened had it been pushed. However, if it would have been pushed and the race went on, it would probably would have been the last one. So the reps backed off and decided to wait...thats the maybe next year part. Also I heard that the new district ranger was denying ALL permit requests....whatever that may mean.

Some other things to consider about the area up there:
1. It gets very busy on the weekends...not as bad as Rampart...but it is getting there. So each year it gets a little more sketchy and more difficult in keeping the non racers off the course...or at the very least, get them going the right direction. In many peoples minds that have been associated with the race for years, it is simply getting too dangerous to put on a race due to all of the weekend warriors up there.

2. The race in 2000 was dependent on fire danger, fortunately there was rain in July and August and the race went on. Granted, August is 3 months off, but if the drought keeps up, the race would not go on anyways...if it were not already cancelled.

Now about a Hare Scrambles up would definately be easier to control 15 miles of trails rather then 90 in regards to keeping non-racers out of the way. It may prove to be difficult to convince the FS to let 400 bikes go on the same 15 mile loop 6 times....that's 2400 bikes.....
Then would be easier to rehab 15 miles vs. 90 miles.
Finally, you would need to find a common start that accessed that 15 mile you may need a meadow for a grass track or something to thin the riders out before going into the woods. Hmmmm....something to think about.

Just my .02.

Happy Trails!
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