Read you horoscope here


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
Aries: (March 21—April 19)
Your life will be lauded by parents' groups for containing no sex, drugs, profanity, violence, or adult situations.

Taurus: (April. 20—May 20)
Though he appreciates the extra money, the ice-cream man is starting to get a little freaked out by the way you follow him around all the time.

Gemini: (May 21—June 21)
Your biggest weakness is not, as you believe, your lack of self-confidence. It's the two-inch soft spot in your aorta.

Cancer: (June 22—July 22)
You think you're embroiled in an unprecedented scandal, but you forgot that Catherine The Great, Fatty Arbuckle, and Marv Albert all came before you.

Leo: (July 23—Aug. 22)
You discover exactly what it means to owe the Mafia a favor when you find yourself forced to mow a lot of shady characters' lawns.

Virgo: (Aug. 23—Sept. 22)
Destiny has decided that you are a weak and unworthy vessel for its purposes. Starting next week, you'll be replaced with Robert Vaughn.
Libra: (Sept. 23—Oct. 23)
Your fears of becoming a trendy but bland person deepen when you are featured on page 77 of the IKEA catalog.

Scorpio: (Oct. 24—Nov. 21)
A tragic but not life-altering accident will be all the excuse you need to get menacing hooks where your ring and pinky fingers once were.

Sagittarius: (Nov. 22—Dec. 21)
Your trick of using numbers related to Andrew Jackson's presidency and a right triangle to remember the digits of the mathematical constant e is both effective and the geekiest thing ever.

Capricorn: (Dec. 22—Jan. 19)
Your dream wedding hits an unexpected snag when you fail to obtain the rights to Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train."

Aquarius: (Jan. 20—Feb. 18)
After a long investigation, experts will conclude it's a miracle that no one was hurt but you and the camel-rental guy.

Pisces: (Feb. 19—March 20)
Your life story is the kind of thing people pay good money to see, which isn't good when you think about what bloodthirsty *******s people are.

:confused: :)


Master of None
Jul 31, 2000


Jan 6, 2001

The Dirt Bike one couldn't have been more far off for me.

Especially the last sentence :scream:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Originally posted by spanky250
Scorpio: (Oct. 24—Nov. 21)
A tragic but not life-altering accident will be all the excuse you need to get menacing hooks where your ring and pinky fingers once were.
COOL! Hooks for fingers!:p


Jul 5, 2000
Ha! Mine fits pretty well. Why... just last week I replaced a broken rear fender and all the other plastic is scratched to hell!

>>Aries (The Ram): Aries are hard riding, extremely persistent, and fairly skilled dirt bike riders. All Aries carry out what they intend to do on a dirt bike, no matter the cost involved. Aries are easily spotted in a crowd of dirt bikers. Except for the occasional out of place new plastic piece or bike part, their bikes are generally scratched and marred by numerous heavy duty crashes. Their helmets and riding gear look the same as their bike. Many Aries suffer from brain damage induced mental disorders.

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May 10, 2000
Capricorn (The goat): If you ever see a rider putt-putting around on an old Hodaka, Rokon, or AMF Harley-Davidson, wearing a leather pudding bowl helmet, fuzzy yellow Handy-Andy gloves, and Red Wing work boots for riding protection, chances are very good that you looking at a Capricorn. Surprisingly, Capricorns are extremely friendly and gregarious individuals that enjoy the sport of dirt biking very much. They never got caught up in the "I Must Have a New Dirt Bike" mindset. Capricorns believe that aluminum serves no real purpose on a dirt bike. They are outstanding bench racers.

I am awaiting the delivery of my new 2002 Aluminum framed Honda CR250 that I decided last week I must have. And yes I am a Capricorn, go figure.:confused:
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