Recruiting report


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
See here for initial details:


Well, everything went far better than I had expected. I’ve got a new female riding partner in the making! My friend/co-worker Anne had an absolute blast!! She can’t wait to do it again AND it looks like she may be buying the bike that we borrowed. Scot (oabike), aka, “super nice guy” told her if she ended up liking it that he would consider selling the bike to her. Well she REALLY liked it. The bike was simply perfect for her. I am sooooo glad I didn’t try to start her on my bike! :)

After giving her the basic rundown of the bike’s controls we (her boyfriend and I) took her out to a nice, big, wide-open space. After she built up the initial courage to actually let go of the clutch she was off! Couldn’t have hoped for a better take off. After watching her for a bit I could see that she was apprehensive due to the fact there were little kids on bikes zooming around everywhere which can be very disconcerting if you are not familiar with braking and turning quickly. That’s when I decided I would hop on my bike and lead her around. That way she could just follow me and concentrate on the controls and what she’s doing rather than the traffic. This made a huge difference. She was much more at ease with this set up. I would ride around the entire area and make frequent stops so she could practice braking and taking off. Since she was doing so well I expanded our loop and took her down a long straight away with a bunch of medium sized whoops. No problem she would follow me just about anywhere! This girl is a natural I tell ya! Then I asked her how she felt about trying to get into 2nd gear. “Sure!” she says. No real problems there either. A few miss shifts into neutral but that was about it. After I showed her how to get into 2nd I had to step it up a bit, the girl was right on my tail! :cool:

Later, Anne’s friends Lily and Ty, showed up. Lily’s boyfriend Ty just bought her a new XR100 and she had only been on it about 3 times. She joined us as well and I asked Anne how she felt about going out on some of the trails. Again, “Sure!”. So off the 5 of us went. Anne did great. She didn’t freak when we encountered on coming traffic and she kept up with me (1st and 2nd gear beginner friendly pace). One spot got a bit rocky so I stopped and decided to avoid the obstacles I didn’t think she would be ready for. She was very appreciative but when we went to take off again in a different direction she didn’t quite make the turn and ended up going straight anyway right through the rocks! :eek: When I went to retrieve her she was scared but she DID IT! I was so proud!
She just started laughing. However I did ride her bike back out of there for her and then went back for my bike. The girl didn’t crash ONCE the whole day! Only stalled the bike ONCE the whole day and was doing MUCH more than I expected of her on the first day. The absolute best part is that she was having sooo much fun. :)

She was so appreciative that she had someone to teach her the ropes pressure free with tons of encouragement. In addition to filling up the truck’s gas tank on Saturday and buying my dinner that night, I come into work today and she’s bought me a gift! Despite my attempts to explain it to her, I don’t think she understands that there is no reason to thank me. I’m doing this for purely selfish reasons; I want more (local) people to ride with! ;)

Well, she can’t wait to go again and it looks like the next time may be Thanksgiving weekend. If she purchases the bike before then it will be a dirtbikin’ weekend for her!

Now I’m off to forward her all my dirt bike links including one to DRN! Hopefully we’ll have a new female member soon. Maybe I can get her on here to give you her account of the day.
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Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Great job, Aimee! I'm so happy that oabike helped you out-- I read the original posts in the Women's forum and could picture all kinds of scenarios had she ridden the KTM or the TTR250. Almost definitely wouldn't have made it through the day without falling! Glad it worked out. Now start sending her little e-mail hints-- websites with riding gear on sale, etc! :p


Aug 13, 1999

Sounds like you were at my house!

Way to go Aimee. Looks like another possible recruit for Valentine's Spodefest in Reno?

Good time to get gear too with all the year end closeouts, especially in the smaller sizes! Just call me the bargain shopper.:cool:


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
You better believe I told her all about the ladies ride! ;) She thought that was sooo awesome! Unfortunately past experiences she's had with other female riders have been less than possitive. She's met some rude and bitchy female riders. I'd like to prove to her that's not the case around here. :)

She's going to register with DRN but running into the some issues with a username. Trying to help her come up with one so she can get on here ASAP!
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Mar 27, 2001
Aimee, that is absolutely fantastic! Anne is very lucky to have a friend like you because you truly did go over-and-above the call of duty here. That was VERY nice of oabike for lending the bike, and for you driving all the way to pick it up for her.

Where were you when I was learning to ride? Oh, yeah.....I still am learning from you but I think I'll pass on following you in Kennedy Meadows--or trying that is. :o Hopefully I'll get to ride with you at Jawbone again in a couple weeks.

It really does make a difference when a new rider has somebody patiently helping them rather than a boyfriend or husband following them with that "glaring look" burning a hole through their back acting like "What is wrong with you, speed up!" Thanks for unselfishly giving back to the sport and for getting another female rider involved!

It sounds like Anne is very thankful as well, and I am sure her boyfriend is too because now they both have a sport that they can enjoy together.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Thanks Darla. Anne's boyfriend Patrick helped as well. She's one of the lucky ones to have a great boyfriend that is also patient and supportive. She got plenty of 'pats on the head' from him. ;) Combined I think we both bowled Anne over with encouragement but it wasn't tough to do. Anne is very sweet and she really was doing so well. The credit really goes to her. She's an excellent 'student'. Better than I ever was I'm sure. She was willing to try what ever I threw at her, no whimpering or whinning and best of all she was pretty much all smiles the whole time. :)

Not sure what's going on for T-day. Trying to get Anne and her boyfriend to go to Jawbone but he's worried it's going to be 'insane' out there. I'd really like her to meet some fellow DRN'rs but they might head north to Hollister. We'll see what happens.
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May 15, 2001
I'm glad Anne had a great time. I told the guy I rode with on Sunday I loaned the bike to Anne and he said he knew both Anne and Patrick from high school and he was stoked. Small world. Santa Barbara isn't the best place to ride but when you have a bunch of good friends that do it's easy to get out and ride . I just got back into motocross this Febuary after a 20 year layoff. The best part is that I have met so many new friends. It doesn't matter if I'm the fastest or the slowest either..... "IT'S ALL ABOUT HAVING FUN"! I'm still grinning from my rides last week. Anyway, sneak a few motorcycle magazines in Anne's purse and she will be asking for Service Honda's number in no time.


Nov 12, 2001
Hi it's Anne! I just have to say Aimee (gospeedracer) and Scott (oabike) are two of the most impressive people I have met in a long time! I can't believe my good fortune to have met both of them. How many people do you come across in this day and age that not only want to take the time to teach you to ride but will go out of their way to track down the perfect bike for your first time? Scott was wonderful loaning his bike to me without ever meeting me! And Aimee loaned me all her gear so I felt comfortable and safe :) What they both did was awe inspiring and gave me the confidence I needed...

As you can imagine, I was completely nervous but excited! My boyfriend (Patrick) has been riding forever but has never pressured or come to think of it..even asked me if I wanted to try it. I can't begin to tell you how great it felt to have Aimee ask me if I wanted to learn and then when she went out of her way to set me up with everything I was blown away. It made me want to make Aimee and Patrick proud and hopefully show them that their time and effort was worth it.

Aimee was the most incredible teacher I could have asked for! That girl should go into business. She has incredible patience and the ability to make anyone feel relaxed and comfortable enough to laugh at themselves! I am still amazed that she took time out of her day to show me everything from the proper gear to how the bike operates and most importantly how to stop without stacking. Patrick I must say, was a fantastic support system. He just sat back, let Aimee show me the ropes and kept giving me the "thumbs up" sign. I think that says a lot about Aimee's teaching ability...he never felt the need jump in.

I was pretty amazed when Patrick's room mate Lilly and her boyfriend Ty came out and he turned down an offer to go off and do some real riding with Ty. Apparently watching me learn to ride brought back all the excitement of the sport that he thought he'd lost. The results were that I had a BLAST! It was the perfect day, with the perfect people and the perfect conditions! I can't wait to go again :) I can't remember the last time I was this excited about anything...the feeling is undescribable! Thanks Aimee, Scott and Patrick!!!!

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Very cool !!!!!



Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Hey AJ! I forgot to mention her boyfriend Patrick has an AF in his garage!! (it's his brothers) :) I saw it and right away I blurted out "Hey! My friend AJ built that! You know, the one with the broken leg". :)

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Whoa small world? did annie wear my helmet?


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Yuppers. It was as smidge big but it worked. Thanks again. :) By the way, I'm going to wash all your stuff before I send it back if you don't mind. I don't think I should torture the poor UPS guys by shipping it as is. :p jk

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
LOL ok? but they cut the pants off?
so only one dirty jersey?


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by AJ Waggoner
but they cut the pants off?
I warned you about dating aggressive girls! :eek:

Darlin' you've got all kinds of crap in there! Didn't you learn from the wallet incident that I'm a HUGE snoop?! ;) I'm not even gonna ask about the sequins tube top! :scream:

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
that top was for Gomer or ivan :eek:


Mar 27, 2001
OMG, three people from Santa Barbara in one thread.....I think we are being invaded! :p

Shred'nAnnie, welcome aboard! Glad to hear you had such a great time. It sounds like you are hooked already. I can understand your feeling nervous and excited but you did great. Like oabike said, IT'S ALL ABOUT HAVING FUN!" I agree with you also, you truly are fortunate to be surrounded by such helpful friends. The people here on DRN still never cease to amaze me.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Pics of Anne's first ride are up on my picture page. See link below. :)
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