Renting property ?

Feb 25, 2001
What is the best way to make a motocross track by renting property or leasing ?? Im not sure about buying property due to I just need a few acres for a few years. Untill I find exactly where I want to live then I will buy property. The track im looking to make would be modeled after a national track but with jumps of my choice. I would like to make several tricky rythm sections so that I can learn and get better and better.


Sep 3, 2001
remember to check codes/laws, etc. Many people get into squabbles with neighbors. Advice from a lawyer may even be money well spent.

you don't want to get your track all built, then no be able to use it. been there, done that:think
Feb 25, 2001
I will be sure to give you and Gomer a buz before its done...hopefully gomer could help design the track seing that he has helped a bit @ TNT. Im not sure how much property I would lease I think I would just make sure that it has some good rythm sections to learn on honestly I wanted to make supercross style rythm sections because of some of the races I did that had some supercross style sections on a 1.5 mile mx track.
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