Replace Hard Drive


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
PS = Adobe Photoshop

Let me look around, I might have some RAM that will fit your system in one of the old boxes we have piled up for donation, if so I'll send it to ya'.

If your PST file is quite large it might be causing you issues as well. Basically do you have A LOT of emails?


Oct 8, 2007
flyingfuzzball said:
i would look at limewire. or the programs downloaded by limewire if your looking for viruses.

and to help w/ multitasking adding RAM would help.

yea, hes right about that. the ram as he said would help a bunch. thats exactly what i was going to tell you.

and as patman said its very easy to do. like he said make sure it will work with your system and make sure you do it on a surface such a kitchen counter. if you drag your feet on the carpet and accidentally discharge your static electricity to computers hardware if could really do some damge. touch the metal of your case when installing the ram i like to push my arm against the metal on the case. when you see the ram it will have black blocks on it, almost looks like magnets. dont touch those. only touch the edges of it. there are some styles that encased in metal. some are different then others. make sure you fully seat it. if you buy a stick of 512mb and for example you have two sticks of 256mb. take those out, the 512mb goes in port one and each of the smaller stick goes in port 2 port 3. you may only have 2 ports you may have 4, who knows. you mother board will have a limit to how much memory it will recognize so dont out and buy 4 2 gigs sticks.



Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
oldguy said:
If you want-I have an old HP sitting on the floor here next to me that has a 512 stick in it I can pull out at least I'll let Chili when he gets here weds so the right thing gets pulled.

Sure , sure Gomer tried the just pull this gag when I became a moderator......

Btw we don't get there until Thursday March 12th.


Damn Yankees
May 14, 2000
You guys rock!,.... I did everything stated above, deleted all old emails, ect,... puter is definatly running better,... Im going to try adding some RAM too. This old dino is getting its second wind!

Thanks to all!


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Sorry man we have no PC2700 DDR333 RAM in any of the to be donated boxes. That might be a tough one to find unless somebody has an old box sitting around.

I found some on Tiger Direct so maybe it won't be that hard to find. The one thing to keep in mind is that you may be limited to only 1GB based on the motherboard that is installed. That's twice what ya got but still not much by todays standards.

I'll bet there is a local place that makes boxes to order near you, we have a couple down here ( and they are pretty resonable. If you want cheap then Dell or HP might be the way to go for a plug & play box.


Damn Yankees
May 14, 2000
Yep. tigerdirect has that stick for $40 shipped,.. sounds like an affordable upgrade.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Pull your existing stick to verify it's going to be compatible before you order.
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