Cello, if i understand correctly you had yr cilinder replated and now wants to reuse certain parts.
Most often everybody reuses his bigend and rod, with that you may reuse the smallend bearings if they look shiny and good(not blue). I have reuse my pin, and also one time the clips(i am not proud of that, but i lost a clip and wanted to ride). Go with a new piston and rings though as you had a expensive replateing done.
Make very sure that you lay back the exhaust bridge for 0.05mm, (use a dremel) or you will have a mega seizure on hands. I speak outof experience here.
Sorry, i just reread what you have written.
Oke, so you already have reuses these parts, fine. When it works and were within specs, fine.
The tapping cld be the rings hitting the exhaust bridge. When you did not lay back the exhaust bridge it will hit the rings when the cilinder warms up.
Since the bridge is not cooled, it will expands rapidly, causing zero clearence between piston and cilinder/bridge.
To come back on the pistons question. Since yo already had the replating done, you shld have yr piston ready, right. Well, next year or o, you cld go for an aftermarket piston. I have found one for my huskie year 1998, same engine though, and it is a woesnner piston from germany.
Much cheaper and it is forged, so even stronger than the originals.
good luck bibi george