Riding mx with pins etc


Jan 5, 2003
hey, anybody here know of people riding with rods in there legs.
i broke my tibia pretty bad, bone came though skin and now ive got a huge rod in there. dunno if i should put my life on hold for a year or start riding again with the rod in.
i guess it should be strong enough after about 3 months.


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Apr 9, 2002
So far from our experience it's different from Doctor to Doctor. Some are of the opinion you should not ride until the hardware is removed, some say go ahead and ride and get the hardware removed a year or 18 months down the road. Other Doctors are of the position that unless the rod or plate is causing you major problems leave it alone and return to normal activities because by removing it you risk another major surgery and the risk of a bone infection. My Son had a plate, 8 screws and a hunk of wire attached to his femur in October of 04, the Surgeon who put it in there was of the school you remove the plate in about 18 months. When we returned to Canada I got 3 other opinions and all three surgeons felt that you leave the plate alone unless necessary. FWIW my son went over the bars this August and had the bike land on his femur, bending the plate and rebreaking the femur. My personal thought is I'd like to get the hardware removed sometime in the near future.


Apr 16, 2002
I have two plates and 11 screws in my right arm, they've been in there for 3 1/2 years and the doctor said unless theres probelms they can stay in.


Jan 5, 2003
it happened 3 1/2 weeks ago so im still a way off getting clearance. im hoping the doc will clear me to ride at about the 3 month stage. although he did say he would have to split my tibia lengthways if it got bent or anything.


Mar 27, 2004
My husband has 4 rods in his tibia (femur came down and cracked his tibia sort of like an axe splitting wood) and doesn't seem to have any issues riding. His doc has recomended that he have them removed since 2 of them stick out a little. The surgery to remove them seems to painful in his oppinion so he is planning on having them the rest of his life. Cold weather does give him some problems. He wears really good knee protection when he rides for added safety. He also runs 13 miles a day! Of course it toke a few years to get to where he is now. Make sure you rest and listen to your body when it comes to riding


Nov 17, 2005
Be patient!!

I shattered my ankle and tib,fib. I've got 8 screws and a plate. I started riding after about 10 months. The doctor cleared me after 7 but I was patient just in case. Let your pain and mobility be your guide. I am definetily having the hardwear removed at around 16 months because of the additional damage the screws can cause in the event of a similar accident. Good luck, and keep riding.
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