After riding for about 20 mins over a bumpy(ish) field, by right wrist hurts when I twist it. Does this mean I have to peform some stretching excersises before I ride, or is it due to an error in my technique? Thanks for your time,
The newest thing is that you shouldn't really do static strething before exercise, but instead move your limbs and muscles through their full range of motion several times during your warm-up. I usually open and close my fingers fast a lot of times and then swirl my wrists around.
You may want to watch your technique to see if you have a death-grip on the throttle side and take it a bit looser, and try and overgrip the throttle so you won't have to contort your wrist to get full throttle.
Suspension may also have something to do with wrist pain. I would try both softer and harder on the compression on the forks to get the right feel.
I had the same problem, only because i fell and my wrist ended uphitting the ground first. Id say in your case, you should practice stroking things with your wrist, like poles and, ohh yeah this isnt i cant say that.
Seriously, tho those wrist squeeze things, they have a handle and a coiled piece of metal connecting them. Those work well, Exersize stores sell them for 3 or 4 bux, on the ride to the track you can squeeze it, but stop at least 20 minutes before you plan to ride so the pools of lactic acid can relocate.
I fell once, and now my left wrist when I twirl it around pops, makes like a cracking noise, I don't know why...Anyone know? Also, my right wrist hurts when I put it all the way down, and up. I don't know how this happened either....Anyone know? Anyone know how to prevent this? I stretch before each moto. Like touch my toes, twirl around at my waist, put my fingers ont eh bar and push out ward. Also, my left knee hurts when I ride a bicycle now for some odd reason? I used to be fine when riding a bicycle, but now I think I fell on it or something. It seems to hurt. Anyway to help this? Thanks, later.
I was getting some good arm pain, went to pro-taper bars and it went away. I suppose they must flex 'just a tad' more than the stock steel bars, and makes things 'slightly' less violent through your wrist and arms.
I actually have Carpel Tunnel in my right hand (had it before I started riding), and when I ride it seems to hurt worse. I have a brace that I wear at night and that seems to help. In addition, you should try to be sure and not hold on too tight, as this also causes hand pain. You can find all sorts of exerciese to do if you look up info on this on the web.
Hope this helps!
I had similar problems and started making sure my position and techniques were correct. Get more comfortable with the bike. Hug with the knees and ease up on the grip. I bet you notice a difference.
How far can any of you bend your wrists upward? I only get to about 45 degrees. I only broke the one once. Everyone else I know can go a full 90 degrees. I wonder if something else creeped in?
i was reading a post on here not too long ago on carpel tunnel...and one of the thigs that came up was when you sleep at night, dont put you hands under your head or your body -- make sure to lay them on top of your body or alone side. sleepy on them can bend them in certain ways which make you mure succeptable (sp?) to arm pump, wrist pain, and carpel tunnel. when i started kepping my hands out from under my body while i sleep there was a noticable decrease in wrist pain and i could ride longer without getting arm might just be mental, i dunno. its worth a shot
I don't know where, but I'm gonna do that on something. After years of riding 3 wheelers, quads and sleds, the change to 2 wheel has been tougher on my throttle side with all that 'twisting'. HHHmmmmmmmmmm :)
I can bend my wrist from when their horizantal all the way up to vertical with the bars. It feels good too, but when I ride they don't hurt. Every now and then my right one will get wack and have this really bad hurting feeling in it. Like when I left something and turn my wrist the wrong way, it hurts. Then goes away, I sleep with my hands under my pillow with my head on top of it. and I can't change that! I have tried, that's the only way I can fall asleep. Unless I'm really tired. Later.
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