rm 125 clutch prob


Sep 10, 2004
hey everyone, i have a 1993 rm 125 that i have had for a few years now. the bike ran great until i let my cousin borrow it for some trail riding while i was out of town. when i got back the bike wouldn't start so i do the first thing, changed the spark plug still no start, check for spark very little so fixed that problem and it started. now i put it into gear- no going no where. so i try all the adjustments and nothing. so i pull the clutch cover and every friction disc had nothing left and all the steel drive plates were burned. so i replaced everything and put it in gear- clunk-killed it. the clutch wouldn't engage. so take it back apart and the new drive plates were too thick. so went and bought some OEM plates. now it works. now the problem is when in gear and coming to a stop with the clutch in, i can hear the clutch still wanting to move. i can hear the chain clinking against the sprocket about every 1.5 seconds. but when sitting still in gear with the clutch in it doesn't do it. i have been working on this problem for about 4 months now and it is driving me crazy. :bang: but at least it moves now.


Sep 10, 2004
i failed to mention that one of the times i had the basket out my dad was helping me and we broke off one of the fingers that the spring hold down screws screw into while trying to tighten the clutch nut. i have one on the way to replace it. could this be my problem. and what would this be called? chatter, grab, etc.
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