rm125 vs kx 125


Jan 14, 2009
well it seems its time for a step up, im 5 11 and riding a kx 100, its a little small and the power has gotten boring, i am looking at a 2004 rm 125 and a 2005 kx 125, both are pretty much stock, and seem to be in good condition, i was just wondering which is the best bike over all, i am leaning for the 'zook, cause i have ridden them before and always felt good on them, but what about the kx125? thanks in advance


May 16, 2007
Porsonally I like Suzuki more than Kawasaki, They just feel stronger to me, But who knows it could just be the ones that i have ridden.


Oct 28, 2008
Pick a color and ride. Both will be great bikes. I would check them out very well and buy whichever one seems to have been maintained better.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
Suzuki: A turning machine, fast handling, not quite as stable at high speeds as the KX, top-end oriented motor w/ decent midrange torque.
Kawasaki: Very stable at speed with a little more effort required (than the RM) to lay into a turn, decent low-end power with a strong midrange, shortish rpm-range power spread. I heard an aftermarket pipe really helps this motor.
We've owned both... good bikes.


Feb 23, 2009
2 strokes said it all !!! Put an FMF fatty w/ shorty silencer and just hang on ! I'm biased (since I race a kx250) as well as a self proclaimed idiot....but one thing I do know is a kx isn't really a kx until you bolt on an FMF exhaust. Kawasaki must have a deal with FMF cause their exhaust adds sooo much to the kx it should come stock. Throw some Boyseen PRo Series reeds on with the fatty and I'm sorry, but the guy on the zooky better have tear offs and a good roost guard cause you'll be throwin' dirt all in his face the whole way around the track! Now a bike that gives me fits is the YZ. A local rider here with similar skills & ride time gets me off the gate and it takes a lap or two to get him (if I get him at all). I also think I have some pilot issues so when I get that figured out it may be a different story. Bottom line...any of your top 4 or 5 brands are potentially great or crappy bikes. It all comes down to how they've been maintaned and what mods they have. "2 strokes forever's " analysis of the bikes were right on. My babbling BS is just my personal experience on my personal bike. Any bike you're gonna spend your hard earned money on and risk your life on should be researched, test ridden and checked out by a qualified mechanic. Good luck and have fun !!!!


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002

It's not about either bike, and I'd be willing to put up a fresh 04 RM125 motor against any other 125 of that vintage.

They are both very capable bikes with issues that are brand specific. Zook clutches are a bit more suspect if you are hard on a clutch and I"ve seen more than a few KX's melt down from tiny air leaks around the carb boot/clamp (poor design).

I'd be inclined to buy which ever machine was in the better condition and had been maintained to a higher degree.


Jan 14, 2009
thanks you havve made my desicion alot easier the rm it is, just gotta get rid my 100 now...


Apr 13, 2010
i got a 98 rm 125 and it runs like a champ. ive taken that thing to hell and back and i can still walk out to the shop and trust it will fire on the first kick. the rm is a good choice.
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